Follicular Unit Extraction Using UGraft For Covering Strip Scars in Los Angeles

Follicular Unit Extraction Using UGraft For Covering Strip Scars : Strip surgery used to be  regarded as the conventional method for performing a hair transplant procedure.  It works by taking a narrow band of skin from the lower regions of the scalp.  And hair follicles are removed from this tissue to be inserted into the bald regions of the head. A horizontal linear scar remains after the edges of the wound are closed.

The length of the strip scar can vary depending on the number of grafts that are targeted for the procedure.  More aggressive forms of the procedure can result in a very long scar.

Actor Jeremy Piven After His Hair Surgery

In 2010, Entourage star, Jeremy Piven was photographed while on vacation. The image was posted around the internet,  causing people to wonder why he had such a large scar.

Hair transplant doctors explained that this was due to strip surgery.  FUE uses tiny punches.  Patients are left with numerous tiny round wounds which heal within weeks. Therefore, there is no significantly visible scar. for this reason people are opting for this type of procedure over strip surgery which leaves the linear scar.

Hair Restoration and Actor Jeremy Piven
(image-Creative Commons) Many hair restoration experts believe that Jeremy Piven’s youthful head of hair is due to a strip transplant surgery.


Follicular Unit Extraction Using UGraft For Covering Strip Scars

UGraft follicular unit extraction is better than basic follicular unit extraction because it enable the repair of strip scars that patients might have already suffered. Although patients like Jeremy cannot undo the fact that they chose strip surgery, they can undergo Follicular Unit Extraction surgery to conceal the scar.

Here is an example of one of our patients.

Follicular Unit Extraction Using UGraft For Covering Strip Scars
Follicular Unit Extraction was used to harvest grafts that were inserted along the strip scar to make it less noticeable.*

With this particular patient, hair grafts were extracted by UGraft from the head. And  Dr. Umar inserted them into the scar tissue. Hair would not have grown into this area otherwise. Here is a video of this patient’s experience

Using UGraft to repair the results of strip procedures is often a move chosen by those who prefer very short conservative cuts.  A large scar entails the risk of showing through these types of hair styles.

Follicular Unit Extraction Using UGraft For Covering Strip Scars in Head Donor Depleted patients in Los Angeles

Not everyone is lucky enough (like the patient above) to have enough donor grafts on their head to achieve the results they want.  Another advantage of UGraft Follicular Unit Extraction versatility is it’s ability to utilize beard and body hair which can be used to repair strip scars in patients that do not have head donor hair or who do not wish to deplete their head donor supply any further.  The concept of using a punch tool to harvest small groups of 1-5 follicles can even be extended to include body hairs.  However this requires specialized surgical tools.  Extracting grafts from the body is not the same as using punches to remove follicles from the head.  If you are interested in learning more, click here.

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