However, there are some other considerations as well. With Follicular Unit Extraction, it is possible to target a very precise number of grafts. Follicular units are not wasted. And nor will this approach require the need for more strip excisions if more grafts are needed.
Strip Surgery Vs FUE
Also strip surgery will reduce the overall surface area of the scalp. This can cause certain areas like the hair border around the ears to be raised.
In strip surgery, there is also the risk of having two different areas of hair growth directions or textures. This can develop on either side of the linear scar depending on where the excision was removed.
Another benefit of Follicular Unit Extraction over strip surgery is how versatile it is. In FUE, punches can be used anywhere on the scalp. And in Advanced FUE, the surgeon can even use body hair. Being able to choose the types of hair needed is important for detailed results.