Is it possible for hair transplant grafts to actually fall out after the surgery?
Through studies, it has been found that it takes at least 3 days for the new hair transplant follicles to become permanent as the insertion wounds above close.  Therefore, you will need to take great care to be very gentle with your scalp during this time, to avoid hair transplant grafts dislodging soon after surgery.

The pressure of regular showers can be too intense. Instead use a pitcher to pour water over your scalp as you bend your head over the sink or the bathtub.


Avoiding Hair transplant Grafts dislodging During Showering

After the first 3 days you may be asked to begin showering. You could do this in the first 1 week by allowing water run of your head without trying to rub the scalp. For the next few months following your hair transplant surgery, the actual hair shafts (that were inserted at the time of your procedure) will start to shed. Many patients feel worried. But this just means that new hairs are being produced. In the immediate periods after transplants, it is normal for hair debri to be shed. You can consider a definite graft loss only if along with the suspected graft, bleeding is observed. If bleeding is noted, kindly notify your doctor.


Gentle care is needed to avoid Hair transplant grafts dislodging in the immediate aftermath of surgery
Two weeks after the patient’s BHT surgery using both beard and chest hair.*

Watch this video describing the FUE hair transplant process

View video on time frame for hair transplant results

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