Why Hair Transplants Work

BHT|before and after photos| patient's hairline and frontal scalp
If you have hair loss and are contemplating having a hair transplant, you may be interested in knowing why hair transplants work. In a hair transplant, hair is typically transferred from the back and sides of the head where the hair is thicker and resistant to baldness (also called the donor area )  to the area of the head were thinness and baldness has taken hold which typically is the hairline, front. mid-top and crown (also called the recipient area). It is the ideal solution to baldness because it uses a person’s own hair. The hair grows like the rest of your natural hair, it is permanent and you can groom and do with it whatever you wish.

Why Hair Transplants Work - Los Angeles Dr U Clinic result before and after
Why Hair Transplants Work – Los Angeles Dr U Clinic*

Why Hair Transplants Work – Los Angeles Dr U Clinic

Hair transplants work because hair removed from the permanent zone in the back and sides of the scalp continues to grow when transplanted to the balding area in the front or top of one’s head. The reason is that the genetic predisposition for hair to fall out resides in the hair follicle itself, rather than in the scalp. Therefore, transplanted hair keeps right on growing because the hair follicle keeps its original genetic coding, which renders it resistant to the hair ravaging effects of Dihydrotestoserone – DHT (hormone that is the cause of male-patterned baldness).

Hair follicles that succumb to baldness have DHT sensitive receptors in there bulbs and bulges which render them susceptible to miniaturization and eventual loss
(image- Creative Commons) Hair follicles that succumb to baldness have DHT sensitive receptors in there bulbs and bulges which render them susceptible to miniaturization and eventual loss. Hair in the back and sides of the head are not susceptible and when transplanted would resist balding effects of DHT in their new location

In addition, despite being moved into a formerly bald area, it continues to behave like donor area hair. This predisposition is an inherited sensitivity to the effects of DHT, and when DHT resistant hair from the back of the scalp is transplanted to the top, it will continue to be resistant to DHT in its new location and grow normally. The scalp is also very vascular, so immediately after the follicular unit hair grafts and micro-grafts are transplanted, the surrounding tissue begins feeding the transplant follicle and healing begins. The hair shaft may also shed, but the hair follicles remain and often go into a resting phase. It is surveyed that hair graft survival rates are nearly 100%.

Why Hair Transplants Work – Los Angeles Dr U Clinic, The UGraft Body Hair Solution

In addition to the donor sites on the middle of the back and sides of the head availed by traditional FUSS and basic FUE, UGraft expands donor supply by making it possible to reliably utilize hair from the beard and all hair bearing areas. because hairs in these areas are also DHT resistant. In fact, beard and body hair is enhanced by DHT. Note that beard and body hair normally manifests in individuals with the onset of a surge in testosterone and DHT production by the body at puberty. Hence, rather than cause hair loss in the beard and body, testosterone and DHT can potentially act as fertilizers for these hairs. Ugraft’s ability to utilize these hairs is thus a boon for the severely bald, the donor depleted repair patients etc. Even individuals taking androgenic (testosterone like) hormones for any reason including for therapeutic or recreational, tend to suffer baldness as a consequence. UGraft BHT is especially a possible solution in these patients.

Dr U explains more about body hair transplantation in people taking androgenic hormones including bodybuilders in this video:

Why Hair Transplants Work in Los Angeles Dr U Clinic, donor supply is expanded by using body and beard grafts which can be a boon to body builders on androgens
Dr. U discusses the link between body building using androgen enhancers and the role of body hair transplantation in those concerned with hair loss. Androgens cause hair to fall from the head, but body hair to flourish. UGraft BHT transfers the abundant body hair to the balding head where it is needed

Why Hair Transplants Work – Los Angeles Dr U Clinic : Additional Info

How much hair is restored depends on the patient’s degree of hair loss and their desired result. Some needs are met in one single hair transplant procedure session, while the goals of others may be best achieved over multiple hair transplant surgeries (In stages) . Furthermore, the patient should be sure to do research before choosing a hair transplant specialist. It is important for a person to have a doctor who is honest and able to cater to the patient’s needs, and make him feel as comfortable as possible. At the Dr U Hair and Skin Clinic in Los Angeles, board certified hair surgeon and dermatologist Dr. Umar has had years of extensive training and practice.

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