Differences Between UGraft Advanced FUE and Traditional Hair Transplants
So what exactly are the differences between the UGraft advanced FUE and and more traditional hair transplants? Traditional hair transplants require distribution of permanent hair from the back and sides of the head, which limits the donor supply to 5000-7000 hair follicles. Therefore when using a more traditional hair transplants, for an individual who is significantly bald, only one-tenth of what has been lost can be replaced. The result of these older hair restoration procedures is often thin and cosmetically unappealing. In addition, the older traditional hair transplants also called strip hair surgery require the cutting a slice of flesh from the back and side of the head, resulting in a scar that can widen over time. Advanced UGraft FUE is linear-scar-free. The hair can be safely removed from anywhere on the head, face, and body and then transferred to the area in need. The newly transplanted hair follicles actually grow in a natural pattern from the very first treatment.
Since its first trial, UGraft has proven to be a more innovative and advanced version of Follicle Unit Extraction. Time and time again, Dr. Umar’s patients have been more than pleased with their results. Leaving no scar and having minimal downtown, UGraft FUE serves to be the best hair restoration today. So if you are interested in having your hair restored, do not stick to more traditional hair transplants and come see Dr. Umar at the DermHair Clinic.