Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Options
A Look At Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Options: Non-Surgical Hair Replacement refers to the use of inanimate objects to cover or camouflage the appearance of baldness. These include, wigs, tattoos, hair loss concealers like toppik etc. Recent transplant advances in Follicular Unit Extraction, especially through the use of body hair in techniques like uGraft, have made it the most ideal choice for hair replacement. Outcomes are not only natural looking in appearance, but it also offers new hope for the severely bald who had previously been declined for hair transplant procedures.

Aside from significant cost considerations, surgery is not an option to be taken lightly. Although F.U.E. has produced wonderful hair replacement results across numerous patients, the outcome nonetheless depends on the skill of the surgeon. So researching and choosing the best physician for the job can be a lengthy but necessary process.

So you may wonder what non-surgical options exist for those who have lost a considerable amount of hair.

The market demand for hair replacement solutions has given rise to different products.

Hairpieces and Toupees

Long before the advent of modern hair transplant methods, the use of hairpieces helped men conceal bald areas. This practice has dated back to around 3200 BC in ancient Egypt. Today, they are available in many different colors and textures. Consumers have the choice of synthetic hair, usually made of acrylic fibers, or hair pieces made of real hair. These can be purchased in stores or online. While there are still people who wear hair pieces to conceal their baldness, this is no longer a very popular choice for hair replacement due to other options available, namely surgical transplant techniques which give permanent hair results and very natural looking, inconspicuous outcomes.

Cosmetic Concealers

Cosmetic hair loss concealers offer a very temporary hair replacement solution. And they are used when individuals have to present themselves for photo shoots and being in front of a camera. When viewed up close or in direct sunlight, it is very easy to see how artificial the results are.  They are certainly not an adequate alternative to a real hair transplant procedure.

Cosmetic concealers can be bought as creams and powder based fibers. Some well known brands include Toppik and Derm Match. They are sprinkled onto areas of the scalp where hair is sparse.  The product uses electromagnetic forces to adhere to existing follicles. Keratin is a common ingredient.

Toppik for Non Surgical Hair Replacement
Toppik is an example of a cosmetic concealer, a temporary hair replacement option.


Scalp Micropigmentation SMP:

In SMP, temporary or permanent tattoo ink is placed into the skin of the balding area to create a 2 dimensional appearance of a fuller head of hair. There are pros and cons and the settings need o be ideal for this solution. It is also better suited for individual who wish to keep the heads shaved. It has also found use in the camouflaging of scars in certain circumstances. The most important consideration is to keep patient’s expectations

Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Options by scalp micropigmentation with Dr U
Side of of patient showing his Tricopigmentation results.

reasonable and also to make them aware of the potential for an odd look especially when the tattoo dots are in-congruent either because of their shape size or color. The best result is achieved in a mixture of SMP in @d with smattering of hairs for a 3d effect.

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