After Hair Transplant Surprises: Pimples on the Scalp After Hair Transplant
This is completely normal and usually a symptom of new hair growth trying to push it’s way through the scalp. It can also be caused by loose fragments of hair or skin that are caught beneath the scalp, which is to be expected. Either way, the body is healing and doing what it needs to do.
Pimples tend to start appearing on the scalp between 4 to 12 weeks and new ones may continue to erupt for up to several months. They may take a while to completely clear up due to the sporadic growth of the new hair. If they are painful, particularly large, or uncomfortable, try using a hot washcloth to draw them out and apply tea tree oil.
If the acne breakouts on your scalp are severe, consult your surgeon. Occasionally, folliculitis is the cause of acute acne after surgical hair restoration. Folliculitis requires treatment with antibiotics.
After Hair Transplant Surprises: Shedding After Hair Transplant
You underwent hair restoration surgery for the transplanted hairs to grow, not for them to fall out! But between 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure, they will do just this. The hairs become detached from the follicle and shed or get pushed out to make way for new, healthy hair growing out of the transplanted follicle.
If you notice shedding of pre-existing hairs in the donor (or recipient) areas, this is likely caused by the temporary cut-off of blood supply during harvest. This hair loss is not permanent and hairs should grow back in approximately 4 months, right around the time when the transplanted hair is also showing up.
After Hair Transplant Surprises: Strange Hair Texture After Hair Transplant
Your newly transplanted hair is showing up coarse, wiry, brittle, and even wavy. This is because it is only the first growth cycle, and the new hair needs a few growth cycles to adjust and appear normal. Over time, the hairs should smooth out and acquire a more natural texture.