Asian FUE Hair Transplant Using 3000 Grafts : Though the technical procedure of Follicular Unit Extraction hair restoration is the same for all, there are some differences between ethnicities only an expert knows to take note of. Generally, Asian people have thicker hair follicles, which can result in the transplanted hairline ending up with a harsh, artificial look. But by using softer hair from the nape of the neck by advanced UGraft FUE, Dr. Umar is able to consistently create an astonishingly natural look for Asian hair loss.
For this patient, 3,000 grafts were transplanted by UGraft FUE hair transplant to create the new hairline. It was such a success that the patient has had a hard time convincing his professional barber that he has indeed had a hair transplant!
Dr. Umar – board certified and with years of hands-on experience – has restored the hairlines of every ethnic group, and understands the individual needs required. Hair restoration is for everyone, as his track record proves.
Asian FUE Hair Transplant Using 3000 Grafts – Before and After Photos