Ask The Right Questions During Your Hair Transplant Consultation
Ask The Right Questions During Your Hair Transplant Consultation: The most pivotal part of a successful hair transplant surgery is finding the right hair restoration surgeon. In order to do so, you must do your research, talk to people who’ve had the procedure, and compile a short list of qualified surgeons. The next step is attending consultations with these hair restoration doctors to find out who’s the right fit for you. But be prepared when you enter a consultation. Use the time and opportunity wisely by asking specific questions. The following list will guide you.

Preparing For A Hair Transplant Consultation
(image- Creative Commons) It is important to know what questions to ask the doctor when attending initial consultations.


Ask The Right Questions During Your Hair Transplant Consultation

1. First off, is it okay for you to take extensive notes or, better yet, use a tape recorder?

All the questions in the world will do you no good if you don’t remember the answers. You will need to take notes and/or record the conversation you have with the surgeon in order to refer back to it and compare to others. The clinic should have nothing to hide, and there should be no reason for them to deny this request.

 2. What hair transplant technique(s) does this clinic employ?

You will probably be able to find this one on the Internet prior to consultation. Today’s main techniques are follicular unit transplant (FUT), follicular unit extraction (FUE), and body hair transplant (BHT). Some clinics may only use one select method, while others may use all three.

3. How long has the hair restoration surgeon been in practice with said technique?

You want to make sure, beyond the M.D. and board certifications, that your surgeon is EXPERIENCED in whichever technique you plan to have done. It also doesn’t hurt to know if he/she is affiliated with any medical organizations, panels, workshops, universities, etc.

4. What type of sutures does this clinic use for wound closure? Why?

For FUT, the linear wound created requires a closure. Some clinics use staples, some use stitches. Both have pros and cons. FUE and BHT both create micro-size wounds that heal on their own and do not require suturing.

5. Am I a good candidate for hair transplant?

This answer may vary, depending on the technique used. BHT is the most versatile of them all, as it uses the most expansive donor pool. However, there are many factors involved in candidacy. After reading up about it on the Internet, find out this surgeon’s opinions on why you are or aren’t a good candidate.

6. Who are the technicians that will be present during my surgery and what are their credentials?

You don’t just want the scoop on the hair restoration surgeon, but also on his/her staff. Research the medical staff backgrounds just as you would the surgeon. Find out the extent of their experience.

7. How many grafts can this surgeon safely and effectively harvest in one session?

Some surgeons are able to move as many as 4,000 grafts in one hair transplant session, while others might split that number into two sessions. Follow this question up with why/how?

8. Share your vision/goals/expectations with the surgeon and get his/her honest feedback.

The most important part of the above sentence is honest. You don’t want anyone blowing smoke, and you need to know if your goals are realistically attainable. A good hair restoration surgeon will keep your expectations grounded.

9. Discuss the aesthetic outcome and design of your new hair.

This includes hairlines design, density, coverage, etc. If you want a dense, advanced hairline and less focus on filling the vertex, or vice versa, talk about it during the consultation. Follow this up by asking how many grafts you will need to achieve the design in mind.

10. Are there videos and photos of prior patients the clinic can show you? Furthermore, can they put you in touch with one or two of these patients?

The hair restoration surgeon has to have ample experience, but he/she also needs to have had consistent success. Proof of prior results and patient testimonial will tell you if this surgeon is on par with your needs.

11. What will this procedure cost?

Make sure the surgeon includes all fees in the answer to this question. That includes cost of consultations, price per graft, long term care, follow-up visits, and any prescriptions.

12. How does this surgeon feel about using finasteride or minoxidil before and/or after the procedure to help stimulate hair growth? Why?

Some doctors recommend these medications to aid the growth of new hair, while others do not. Some clinics may provide you with their own concoction of the sort.

13. Will this clinic send you a detailed outline of pre-op and post-op instructions?

You will need the clinic to guide you in how to care for your scalp and any other donor/recipient areas leading up to the surgery and for a number of weeks afterward. This includes everything from the use of medications, to showering, to sun exposure, to exercising, etc.

14. Has this hair restoration surgeon ever had a hair transplant?

If the answer to this question is yes, find out what technique he/she went with and who the surgeon was. It’s okay to ask about the surgeon’s experience with being a patient.

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