Traditional hair restoration surgeries (Both FUSS and basic FUE ) rely solely hair supply from the middle of the back and sides of the head. This limited donor supply can typically yield 5,000-7,000 hair follicles over the entire lifetime of most individuals. In a significantly-bald individual, only one tenth of what has been lost can be replaced using this source. The result is often thin, and cosmetically unappealing. Also, traditional FUSS hair transplants require the cutting of a slice of flesh from the back and side of the head. The result is a scar that can potentially widen. The patient is forever forced into a lifelong and self conscious struggle to hide the scar. Although traditional / basic FUE avoids the linear scar, the limitation posed by the limited donor supply remains a challenge. On the other hand UGraft hair transplant like basic FUE is linear scar free, and overcomes the challenge of the limited head donor supply by making it possible to recruit donor hair from the nape, beard and all hair bearing areas of the body. For that and other reasons, hair can be safely removed from anywhere in the head, face and body and transferred to the area of need. The procedure has been pioneered and perfected by Dr. Sanusi Umar, and in over half a decade he has performed several cases, successfully.
How does UGraft BHT differ from traditional hair transplants?: Severe Baldness Cure Example with UGraft
BHT using UGraft potentially adds the entire body-hair supply to the donor resource. This way, UGraft BHT allows even severely-bald individuals to aim for a fuller and better restoration in ways not possible using the traditional hair transplants approach practiced by the majority of hair restoration clinics. One patient who used to be severely bald was told he would have to settle for a mature hairline and a bald pate (crown) because his traditional head donor supply could not possibly cover his entire area of baldness. He went to Dr Umar who transplanted his entire area of baldness using 20,000 grafts derived from his head, nape, beard, chest, stomach area, arms and legs. The result is global coverage with a youthful natural hairline. A result that would have been impossible to achieve using traditional hair transplant methods. The patient when asked if he never thinks of baldness anymore responds: No never! Here is a video of the patient:
How does UGraft BHT differ from traditional hair transplants?: Undetectable Hairlines and Temples Example with UGraft
The UGraft is for all forms of baldness and also caters to your average balding individuals. However, even in these cases, the UGraft returns more natural looking hairlines and temples, because it is able to utilize finer hairs from the nape of the neck, or body to give the hairlines and temples a very soft natural looking finish in ways not possible with traditional hair transplant approaches. One such patient with the typical v shaped recession in the temples was completely restored using only head and nape hair. However, unlike the traditional hair transplant procedures, he had no linear scar to be self conscious of. He is thus able to style and cut his hair in any way or shape he desires without being afraid of wind, rain and other elements exposing his scar. The patient is shown in the following 2 videos:
How does UGraft BHT differ from traditional hair transplants?: Hair Transplant Repair Example with UGraft – Photos
Perhaps one of the most compelling application of The UGraft is in the hair transplant repair of patients that have undergone antiquated hair restoration procedures that were performed decades ago at other clinics when advanced options for hair restoration were unavailable. Disfigurement and scarring from older hair restoration techniques can cause anguish for patients, leading many to avoid social interaction and live secluded lives under hats and hairpieces. For half a decade, Dr. Umar has used UGraft and BHT to repair many hair transplant cases previously believed to be hopeless.
One victim of several botched (Mr Greg Dowles) hair transplants reports that he was able to get rid of his hairpiece of 13 years after receiving a 15,000 body hair-to-head transplantation. Previous to seeing Dr Umar, he had undergone several hair transplant procedures that left him severely scarred, with an unnatural balding pattern. Having been depleted of head donor supplies from all his surgeries, he was told there was nothing he could do. He was stuck with his situation for the rest of his life.
How does UGraft BHT differ from traditional hair transplants?: Hair Transplant Repair Example with UGraft – Videos
Mr Dowles who is the 2nd patient depicted in this video states after his repair: “Mine was to provide sufficient coverage and repair to live my life normally and with alot of pride and self esteem. I have achieved those goals so essentially anything now as they say – is icing on the cake” Read Mr Dowles’ written testimonial here
If you have severe baldness, botched hair transplant and seek to transform your life for te positive like one of the numerous happy patients of Dr Umar, feel free to consult Dr Umar directly by completing our free online consultation form here
Related Reading:
Dr U Los Angeles Hair Restoration Testimonials
Dr U full patient result photo and video result gallery
Visit Dr U’s YouTube playlist of video testimonials of patients