Dr. Umar Uses BHT For Remarkable Repair Of Scarring
Dr. Umar of DermHair Clinic is making strides to invite qualified severe baldness candidates in for treatment. As a pioneer of body hair transplantation, also known as BHT, Dr U is building a bridge that stretches into a future where everyone is a candidate for transplantation. For now, his research and practice in BHT is aimed to make most individuals good candidates for hair transplantatation.
Dr. Umar has repaired the severely bald and severely scarred with remarkable success. His use of BHT restored the hair and lives of patients who had been turned away by practitioners using head hair only.
Victims of previously botched surgeries that now have an exacerbated lack of donor hair are no longer hopeless.
BHT Repairs Strip Surgery Gone Wrong
The following patient suffered two strip surgery scars from a previous surgery. Using BHT, Dr. Umar transplanted 1,200 follicles to repair the scar.

BHT Repairs Disfigurement Caused By Several Previous Restoration Attempts
This patient presented to Dr. Umar having had several previous hair restoration surgeries that all went amiss. He’d had multiple scalp reductions, flap surgery, and punch grafting which left his scalp disfigured and beyond repair by most standards. hair transplant repair was performed by Dr. Umar using 15,000 hairs donated from the stomach, chest, and shoulders, along with 6,000 beard hairs, and about 1,000 head hairs to restore the patient’s scalp to normalcy.

If you suffer severe baldness due to scarring, or even because of advanced androgenic alopecia, many clinics would turn you away as a “poor candidate.” However, DermHair Clinic is here to serve you during this trying time. Set up a free online consultation with Dr. Umar to learn more about BHT.