The use of Spironolactone for hair loss is a common trend among some dermatologist. What is the rationale for it? First a little about Spironolactone…
Category: Blog

Social Media site Realself Awards Dr U
2014 marks the second year in a row that Dr. Umar has received the RealSelf 100 Award for contributing his expertise on the site which…
Proscar versus Propecia or FinPecia for hair loss treatment
Proscar versus Propecia for hair loss treatment : Those of you who are considering the use of drugs for managing male pattern baldness may be…

Dr U Addresses Body Hair Transplant Surgery Scarring Question
Dr U Addresses Body Hair Transplant Surgery Scarring Question: A UGraft body hair transplant procedure offers the ability to expand upon the donor supply of…

Illustrating Advanced FUE Hair Restoration with uGraft
Advanced FUE Hair Restoration with uGraft : Individuals who are considering a hair restoration procedure may want to become aware of the difference between regular or…

uGraft FUE Hair Transplant Video- Better Coverage, Healing and More
UGraft FUE Hair Transplant Video: Here at Dermhair Clinic, we are dedicated to educating individuals about hair loss and transplantation. We feel that it is…
Christmas 2013 at Dr U
Christmas 2013 at Dr U The holidays are a special time for coming together and honoring our relationships. At Dermhair Clinic, this is what we…

When to Consider Body Hair Transplantation
When to Consider Body Hair Transplantation: Conventionally, hair restoration is performed with grafts from the head. This can be quite ideal if the candidate has…

The Significance of Punch Configuration in FUE
The Significance of Punch Configuration in FUE : Follicular unit extraction aka FUE has gained an increased level of interest and awareness in recent years.…

Potential Hair Restoration Treatment Wntb-catenin May Also Reduce Fat
Scientists have discovered a protein and potential hair restoration treatment Wntb-catenin may also reduce fat: The protein called Wntb-catenin which not only stimulates hair growth, but also inhibits…