What are the advantages of body hair transplant procedures?
What are the advantages of body hair transplant procedures ? : There are many patients who do not have enough hair on their head to redistribute in order to achieve a significantly fuller look. The advantages of body hair transplant procedures also includes those whose body hair characteristics would be a more natural fit for their procedure compared with head hair donors. The advantages are summarized as follows:

  • Norwood 6-7’s who are considered to be severely bald
  • Those who need hair transplant repair procedures
  • Individuals with DPA  (diffuse patterned alopecia) and DUPA (diffuse unpatterned alopecia)

For these individuals, the majority of donor follicles have either been exhausted (i.e. through previous hair transplant procedures). Or they have been affected by miniaturization.

However, additional follicles can be derived from body regions. This is known as body hair transplant procedures. Common donor sources used in BHT procedures 

include the face and neck (i.e. beard areas), chest, back and abdomen. Hair can also be extracted from the legs, arms and shoulders.

These areas can provide as many as twenty five thousands grafts, making it possible for patients to actually realize ideal forms of coverage.

It may be interesting to know that body hair actually thrives on DHT.  As an illustration, hair on the body develops during adolescence when testosterone (and subsequent DHT) starts to surge.

The opposite is true of head hair in those with pattern baldness as sensitive follicles  will react to adversely to DHT, leading to hair loss.


Other Advantages of Body Hair Transplant Procedures

Apart from expanding donor pools; other advantages include:

  • Special hair transplants where body hair characteristics may offer more natural fits eg finer leg or forearm hairs for eyebrow or even eyelash transplants
  • Advantages of body hair transplant shown in this patient who had leg hair transplanted to her eyelashes for a more natural fit.
    Advantages of body hair transplant shown in this patient who had leg hair transplanted to her eyelashes for a more natural fit.*


  • Body hair may offer advantages when it comes to the creation of softer, natural looking temples and temple points:
Advantages of body hair transplant| Chest Donor Region| Wound Healing
Advantages of Body Hair Transplant| Chest Donor Region| Wound Healing*

Read more about body hair transplant or body hair to head transplant here: 


Read about the use of leg hair in eyebrow restoration

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