Legal Ethical Issues of FUE Hair Transplant

FUE Hair Transplant. Dr U performing extractions using UGraft
Legal Ethical Issues of FUE Hair Transplant in However, it calls for a more delicate approach requiring more skills and specialized tooling. For this reason, there are some pitfalls that potential consumers must watch out for in other to avoid becoming victims of poor standard of FUE hair transplant practices.

Legal Ethical Issues of FUE Hair Transplant – Pitfalls

  1. Unlike the strip method of surgery, each and every single graft extraction done under the FUE hair restoration procedure is a surgical procedure and, in most parts of the United States, it is actually illegal for unlicensed personnel to perform FUE Hair Transplant surgery. Avoid clinics that hire non doctors or licensed doctor extenders to do fue extractions.
  2. Another mass production concept sees the introduction of machines that are used to virtually vacuum out the grafts, literally air drying the grafts to death in the process. These vacuumed grafts are transported at high speeds through tubes leading to a receptacle. This traumatic journey through the tubes and desiccating effect of the vacuum can only be harmful to the integrity of the grafts and thus risking viability in the process. Avoid clinics who use FUE tools that involve the use of vacuums that can dry and damage the hair grafts as is the case with some basic FUE devices like the neograft.
FUE Hair Transplant. Dr U performing extractions using UGraft
Legal Ethical Issues of FUE Hair Transplant. Dr U performing extractions using UGraft

Legal Ethical Issues of FUE Hair Transplant DermHair Clinic Approach

At the DermHair Clinic (Dr U hair Clinic)  in Los Angeles, no stitches and no technicians are utilized to perform UGraft FUE. Dr. U adheres to the philosophy that describes all FUE extractions as being a surgical procedure. Therefore the central core of the success of the procedure should be wholly performed by a licensed physician or a personnel licensed to perform surgery, and does not endorse the use of machines that work by vacuum suction which could air dry and damage hair grafts. If you are a prospective patient researching an FUE type procedure, ask about the qualifications/licensure of the personnel extracting your grafts. It is important to find out if vacuum integrated devices are used in the extraction process and whether grafts are transported through tubes at high speed.

Legal Ethical Issues of FUE Hair Transplant - Dr U uses UGraft and AVOIDS vacuum machines like neograft and unlicenced personnel
Dr. U specializes in successful extractions using not only head hair, but body and nape follicles as well.*

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