Causes and Types of Hair Loss
Causes and Types of Hair Loss and Ways to Treat It : Most men experience hair loss as they age and actually many women also experience hair thinning. So why does this happen and is there anything we can do about it?

Causes and Types of Hair Loss and Ways to Treat It
Hair loss sufferers will need to be clear on what is causing their condition in order to properly treat it.

Baldness is a typical phenomenon that accompanies growing older. In addition, stress is one of the top reasons that affect hair growth in both men and women. Pollution, modified and processed foods also affect how the body functions and causes hair loss. It is recommended to eat healthy, nutritious organic foods. Hormone changes in men and women are the most inevitable factor that affects both genders. The primary cause of male hair loss is the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) The receptors in the scalp specifically react to that particular hormone, which leads to the hair becoming thinner until it is completely bald. In women, the hormones are responsible as well, but in different stages of life. For example, when women are pregnant it is common that they will experience hairs to fall out. This is a temporary hair loss, because once woman stops breast feeding and her body goes back to “normal” hormone stage, the hair grows back. However, it is not the case when women go through menopause or have hormonal imbalance. In fact, 40% of hair loss in women is true primarily for this reason. Most men experience hair loss as they age, but many women also experience hair thinning as they age.

Causes and Types of Hair Loss and Ways to Treat It

There are different types of hair loss, such as sudden hair loss. Sudden hair loss is rather different but worth mentioning. Some people can experience a type of alopecia where hair loss is very sudden. This can be due to a toxin (e.g. chemotherapy), mental trauma or other medical disorders. If you have very sudden hair loss in clumps then you should definitely visit a doctor. Another type of hair loss is gradual hair loss, which is hair loss that is gradual over a period of years. This is most common in men due to the presence of testosterone and its by-products. It can also occur in women but usually only causes hair thinning and is complicated by other factors. Male Pattern Baldness is another reason a man goes bald in the “W” shaped pattern. What happens is that the testosterone by-product named “DHT” causes the hair follicles to lose nutrition with time. Year after year, the hairs get thinner and thinner with each new cycle until eventually the follicles cannot produce any more hairs.

There are several causes Causes and Types of Hair Loss and Ways to Treat It. However, the best technique to efficiently treat this illness is with medical hair restoration, such as Body Hair Transplantation, which is a procedure that has become increasingly popular. With his breakthrough UGraft advanced FUE procedure in BHT, Dr Umar is able to transplant hair from various parts of the body to the balding areas of the head.

For more information on this procedure and the surgeon, please call the Derm Hair Clinic a call at (310)318-1500, or visit our website at


Further reading:

Women and hair loss


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