Head, Beard and Chest hair to head transplant for Level 6 Baldness Patient : This gentleman decided to undergo a hair restoration surgery for the very first time at the Norwood 6 stage of baldness. Although this late phase of male pattern hair loss is normally disqualified at most clinics across the world, the patient was offered hope of achieving the conservative coverage that he envisioned through the inclusion of different types of body hair. This procedure was performed by Dr. U by head, beard and chest hair to head transplant using an overall donor supply of 4594 grafts.
Head, Beard and Chest hair to head transplant for Level 6 Baldness Patient: Types of Donor Grafts Used
With this particular case, chest hair was extracted. Normally, Dr. U includes nape hair due to its fine caliber which is ideal for recreating the soft edges of the hairline and temples. However, this patient had a very poor supply of this hair type. Therefore, Dr. U extracted chest hair. Here is the breakdown of the different types of follicles used for this procedure:
- 3189 grafts of head hair
- 803 grafts of beard hair
- 602 grafts of chest hair
Chest hair was combined with scalp hair to create the natural looking progression of hair thickness in the temples and hairline. Beard and head hair were used to fill in the sparse and empty areas throughout the top of the head and the crown.
Why Chest Hair to Head Transplant in Hairline and Temple Point construction?
Dr U advocates the use of finer hairs from the nape and peri-auricular (NPA) areas for the creation of softer natural hairlines in hair transplantation. However not every candidate qualifies for this approach. Some patients who are likely to loose their NPA hair in the future are obviously ill-suited for NPA transplantation. In a paper recently published by the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Dr U describes a novel screening method he uses in selecting good candidates for use of NPA in transplantation. The test called the “FUE Shave Test” entailed shaving the head to a tight crew and visually observing the hair spread in the density and caliber of the donor areas. In patients destined to loose NPA in the future, a clear line of demarcation is visible between what is conventionally considered the “Safe Donor Area” (SDA) and the NPA areas. In the gentleman presented in this post, this line of demarcation is evident. Thus he was considered a poor candidate for the use of NPA for hairline and temple point purposes. It was for this reason Dr U utilized his chest hair to create the hairline and temple points to good end.

Body Hair Requires Highly Specialized Extractions
The removal of non-head hair requires a rather different set of considerations compared to follicles taken from the scalp which are conventionally used as hair transplant grafts. This mainly has to do with the sharp angles of growth which characterizes hair found within the beard area and throughout the body. Therefore, with typical cylindrical Follicular Unit Extraction punches, grafts are more prone to being injured by the circular edge.
A more specialized system of engineering (exemplified by the features included within the UGraft ™ Revolution system) is required for harvesting body hair. Learn more. https://www.dermhairclinic.com/follicular-unit-extraction-bht/
This patient wanted to reverse crown baldness, a severely thinning top and hairline recession. However, he wanted a very modest form of coverage that would look natural and age appropriate. His goals were achieved through his body hair transplant procedure performed by Dr. U.
Head, Beard and Chest hair to head transplant for Level 6 Baldness Patient : Below are before and after photos.

View additional images of his surgical experience by watching this video.
Body hair will usually display the same color and texture as its original location. This is clearly shown in the photos that the patient took of his own results where many of the hairs were white. The patient chose to use hair dye to darken his color. This remains an option across all cases where body hair may be lighter or darker than the surrounding hair on the head.
Los Angeles UGraft Advanced Follicular Unit Extraction for Body Hair Transplant