DermHair Clinic Intelligent Punch
Services : FUE Hair Transplant by uGraft Using Head Donors
Read more about head hair UGraft FUE Hair Transplant here

DermHair Clinic Hair Restoration Services : UGraft advanced FUE Using Beard and Body Donors
Dr. Umar is a pioneer of beard and body hair transplant ( BHT ). These methods incorporate donors from the face, shoulders, chest, stomach, arms, and legs. Such non-traditional hair is used for patients with insufficient scalp supply that makes them inoperable by any other means. These are usually sufferers of male pattern baldness at levels NW 5, 6, or 7; or people who’ve endured burns, surgical scarring, or disease. With uGraft, the use of beard and body hair is safe and effective.
Read more about UGraft body hair transplant – BHT here.

DermHair Clinic Hair Restoration Services : UGraft Hair Transplant Repair of Failed Hair Transplant Surgeries
Hair restoration can fail for a number of reasons, the most common being a novice surgeon or an antiquated technique. Strip scars, scalp reduction, and flap surgeries are common offenders. These procedures have often yielded unsightly scars and unsatisfactory growth. But there is still a chance for repair. uGraft leaves visibly negligible scarring in typical cases and, with harvest extended to the beard and body, there is no shortage of donor hair. Dr. Umar performs hair transplant repair of failed surgeries by concealing old scars and producing satisfactory global growth.
Read more about UGraft hair transplant repair and awesome life altering results here

DermHair Clinic Hair Restoration Services : Hair Restoration for Women
Women frequently experience hair loss, especially as they age. With social and cultural definitions of hair and beauty, female pattern baldness is a devastating condition. Traction alopecia, lupus, and trichotillomania are additional causes of permanent hair loss commonly seen in women. Hair transplant is no less a treatment option for women than it is for men. Dr. Umar has successfully performed FUE hair restoration on several women; as well as body hair transplant in severe cases.
Read more about FUE for women.

DermHair Clinic Hair Restoration Services : Eyebrow Transplant
Eyebrow hair transplant has become a popular cosmetic procedure with FUE. Since follicular unit extraction is minimally invasive and leaves little scarring there is nothing to lose. Furthermore, for this procedure it employs donor hair from the legs, arms, and nape to create the most natural-looking and low-maintenance result. Dr U has innovated and advaced the procedure to unprecedented heights. His work using eyebrow restoration has been featured on Good Morning America and published in highly regarded peer reviewed medical Journals including Dermatological Surgery and the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Read about the unique attributes of the UGraft Eyebrow transplant

DermHair Clinic Hair Restoration Services : Eyelash Transplant
The appearance of longer eyelashes can be achieved with false lashes, lash extensions and even an FDA approved drug. However, these measures require an ongoing investment of time and finances which may be inconvenient for some people. Unlike traditional eyelash transplant which uses coarse hair from traditional donor sources of the head, Dr U uses the UGraft extract finer caliber hairs from the nape of the neck or other body areas like the arms and legs to create the most natural looking and behaving eyelashes. Dr Umar’s ground breaking work in eyelash transplantation has been published in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal.
The only maintenance required is regular trimming and curling which only requires minimal investment of time.
Read more about UGraft eyelash hair transplant procedures.

Hair Restoration For Special Cases
The scalp and eyebrows are not the only places where unwanted hair loss can occur. Special cases are those rare hair loss experiences that require restoration in non-traditional areas. For example, a man who genetically can’t grow an even beard but wants to, or patchy body hair loss due to scars, burns, or other trauma. Dr. Umar’s uGraft hair transplant is one of the first to be able to diffusely excise body hair from one area to fill an obvious bald patch in another area of the body.
Read more about special hair transplant cases.

Need UGraft hair restoration to transform your life. Do a free online consultation here