Health Day interviews Dr U on PGD2 and hair loss
Health Day interviews Dr U on PGD2 and hair loss: Online news source Health Day interviewed Dr. Umar regarding a new frontier on hair loss research. Recent genetic analysis of scalp tissue has shown a strong link between the protein PGD2 and hair loss. PGD2 is a prostaglandin needed for various functions of the body to run smoothly. However, when found near stem cells in the hair follicle, this protein seems to be hindering normal hair growth. The irony is that similar prostaglandins (PGE2 and PGF2) are needed for hair to grow and thrive. “It’s long been known that prostaglandins are involved with hair growth, while this study shows that the opposite may also be true,” Dr. Umar commented. Hair growth drugs such as Latisse and Rogaine operate through the promotion of prostaglandin activity.

PGD2 and hair loss

PGD2 and hair loss
Structure of prostaglandin PGD2

Researchers are on the move to develop a topical drug that will specifically inhibit PGD2, which is found in higher volumes in traditional male pattern baldness areas of the scalp. Such medications are already being developed in pill form for the treatment of asthma, as it is believed that the restraint of PGD2 will prevent airway constriction.

However, Dr. Umar urges readers not to get too excited, as he points out that there might be several different prostaglandins involved in both hair loss and growth. Pinpointing PGD2 may only be the beginning. Other efforts employing anti-inflammatory drugs have stopped this protein, but have not consistently grown hair. Dr. Umar concludes that the likely solution will involve PGD2 inhibition “in combination with agents that work via different mechanisms . . . as a more effective approach to hair loss treatment.”

Realted article on PGD2 pathway and hair loss

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