Early Hair Loss May Be Linked To Insulin Resistance
Hair Loss May Be Linked To Insulin Resistance : It is common for men in their late teens and twenties are starting to notice early signs of hair loss due to male pattern baldness. Although genetics is responsible for this condition, there are also a variety of environmental factors that affect how it manifests, according to Dr. U. One of these variables includes high glycemic dietary choices which lead to insulin resistance. This in turn can speed up the rate by which one loses hair.

Early Hair Loss May Be Linked To Insulin Resistance – What Is Insulin

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. It’s job is to help cells absorb glucose from the blood which is derived from the  food we eat. This sugar can then be metabolized as energy.

Insulin also helps process excess glucose so that it is stored in the liver and muscles.

Early Hair Loss May Be Linked To Insulin Resistance : What Is Insulin Resistance

More insulin is released when we consume higher amounts of sugar. This of course, is intended to help transport the glucose that is present in the blood.

However, insulin resistance can develop. This is when larger quantities of insulin is produced and released. But the body is not able to use the hormone effectively. Glucose then accumulates in the blood instead of being taken up by the cells effectively. This can lead to type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.

How Early Hair Loss May Be Linked To Insulin Resistance

When too much insulin is being produced and glucose is not being taken up by the cells, our blood sugar levels elevate. This creates higher cortisol levels and free radicals. These conditions precipitate inflammation and oxidative stress which damage the follicles, cautions Dr. U.

Studies which examine the hair cells of those with Androgenic Alopecia show that these issues are much higher than in regular individuals.

As a result, it is quite possible that hair loss starts occurring much earlier than one might expect.

Research data does support a  positive relationship between hair loss and insulin resistance. Currently, this is a correlation not a causal connection

Hair Health and Diet

Examples of high glycemic foods include:

  • processed grains
  • sugar
  • bleached white flour

These can lead to higher blood sugar and the formation of free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that have lost a single electron and become unstable. They then seek to take electrons from nearby cells and tissue, leading to degenerative processes. Again, hair follicles can become negatively impacted by this phenomenon.

In a previous blog post, we also discussed the possibility of various gluten intolerances which can also be a reason for why someone is losing hair.  The connection between insulin resistance and hair loss underscores the point that glutein rich foods can also bring about hair loss on account of the high glycemic index independent of their glutein sensitivity.

It may help to download a food diary app with reminder alerts. Or a simple journal is often sufficient for  recording and dating meals, snacks and desserts. New patterns may be revealed through this information. Some people who choose to reduce or eliminate wheat from their diet may notice a reversal of their hair loss.

Dr. U advises that individuals work with a doctor to help them safely transition to new dietary habits. And keeping a consistent record for a prolonged length of time can offer valuable information for a physician to review.

Healthy Diet and Motivation

The consumption of  fruits and vegetables is a highly recommended part of an overall healthy lifestyle.  It is best to choose organic, non GMO produce as much as possible.

Color rich including leafy green choices are often the source of rich vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which can help neutralize free radicals. This benefits the hair follicles, skin and the rest of your cells and tissues.

However, consistency of habit is key for experiencing these types of benefits, explains Dr. U. What may help is to research and book mark appealing recipes which incorporate the use of these foods as well as other healthy choices. And challenge yourself to prepare these meals yourself. Creating your own seasonings from wholesome ingredients like olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt and garlic (powdered or non-processed) can also enrich your experience as well.

You may be surprised at how your attitude can remarkably change towards foods that may not have interested you in the past.

Early Hair Loss May Be Linked To Insulin Resistance
(image: Flickr-Creative Commons) high glycemic foods contributes to insulin resistance which may facilitate hair loss*

If you have more questions on insulin resistance and hair loss feel free to ask dr umar

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