Can too much exercise cause hair to fall out?
Can too much exercise cause hair to fall out ? Some people believe that overexerting the body through exercise will cause testosterone to increase and cause their hair to fall out. Testosterone breaks down to form DHT (dehydrotestosterone) from the activity of an enzyme called alpha-reductase.  DHT is responsible for causing androgenic hair loss which it does by binding sensitive androgen receptors on the hair follicles to cause hair loss.

Can too much exercise cause hair to fall out ?

IS the aforementioned rationale correct? The answer is no. Exercise should not create more testosterone in the body to the extent that would cause hair loss. In fact, it will actually improve blood circulation. And this will benefit the hair follicles. Therefore, physical activity should theoretically enhance your hair restoration efforts instead of impeding them. However, Dr U advises that the use of body building androgenic supplements would increase DHT and cause hair loss. These should be avoided unless advised by a physician, in which case, the conjunctive use of DHT blockers should be considered. If you are using androgens and loosing hair, you may be a candidate for body hair transplantation, according to Dr U. 

In general, healthy lifestyle habits help to slow down the rate of hair loss. By contrast poor diets, smoking, alcohol, excessive sun exposure and even pollution can increase this rate.



Can too much exercise cause hair to fall out?
(image- Creative Commons/Wikipedia) Moderate exercise is not only beneficial for hair restoration and baldness prevention, but for the entire physiological system as well.

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