Does Exercise Cause Hair Loss ?
Does Exercise Cause Hair Loss ? It is commonly known that testosterone contributes to building muscles.  This is the primary goal of body builders. Therefore, one might wonder if exercise leads to the production of more testosterone. If this is the case, then wouldn’t more of this hormone lead to greater levels of DHT in the blood stream? Therefore, more DHT might hinder a person’s attempts to restore their hair, or normal hair growth in general. Or so it would seem.

It should be understood that the body is a very complex overall system. And in many cases, there is not a direct one to one relationship in how things work.

There are research studies which show that lifting weights for 45 minutes on a regular basis can elevate testosterone levels by 25%.  But this spike in this hormone from exercise is only transient. This is why the likelihood of causing long term hair loss problems is very low.

Does Exercise Cause Hair Loss ?
Is exercise linked to hair loss? Image courtesy

Does Exercise Cause Hair Loss ? Possible Connection between exercise and hair loss:

There could be factors associated with exercise that could indirectly cause hair loss such as

Individuals Interested in Hair Restoration Should Consider the Sensitivity of Their Follicles

It is not suffice to even say that high DHT levels will result in baldness. What matters is how sensitive the follicles are to this testosterone byproduct. And this is contingent on the structure and functioning of androgen receptors which reside in the derma papilla region. These cells are located at the bottom of the follicles and absorb nutrients from capillary vessels.

Deviations in how the androgen protein receptors are structured can be caused by genetics. This causes some people to have more sensitive hair follicles. When DHT binds to these receptors, it interferes with the normal uptake of nutrients. This deprivation is what causes the follicles to shrink and lose their ability to grow hair as before.

When Exercise Is Beneficial For Restoring Hair and Encouraging Growth

Moderate exercise, especially forms which increases the body’s oxygen intake, can be beneficial for the entire body, including the hair follicles.  This is because it enhances blood circulation which can improve many types of processes in the body.

Individuals should strive towards long term overall health, instead of choosing to engage in exercise to to boost hair restoration efforts.  A healthy lifestyle should obviously include an appropriate and balanced diet, while avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, excessive sun exposure and recreational drugs.

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