Follicular Unit Extraction FUE is the Best Technique for Hair Transplantation
Ultimately, as with any hair transplantation technique chosen, it is important to select a doctor that is competent and an expert in the technique. Both FUE and FUSS would give unpleasant results when done poorly. In addition, if you anticipate the need to keep an overall shorter hair style, then you would definitely want to avoid the linear scar that would without a doubt be a result of Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS). Therefore it would make the most sense to choose Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) as the method of hair restoration instead. However, if you already have a linear strip scar from prior strip surgeries or never anticipate on keeping a short hair cut, then FUSS could be considered as a viable choice. Dr. Umar believes that Follicular Unit Strip Surgery FUSS is perhaps too invasive of a method for procedures that require less than 500 grafts. For more information on FUE, please contact Dr. Umar at the DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or complete our free online consultation form