FUE Hair Transplant Questions: How long until I can shower after my FUE hair transplant?
This is on of the most common of the FUE hair transplant questions. You can shower as normal around two weeks after surgery, with rubbing and lathering. Until that time, and especially for the first few days, the scalp must be very gently cleansed from a non-abrasive water source (such as a bowl of water or a bath) twice per day starting at 24 hours post-operation.
FUE Hair Transplant Questions: How long until I can partake in normal activity?
Normal non-strenuous activities, like going to work or walking your dog, can be commenced within a couple days of surgery.
FUE Hair Transplant Questions: How long until the hair grafts heal?
With FUE hair transplant, all scabbing should flake off of the donor area within seven days. Wounding in the recipient area should heal and shed of scabs between one to two weeks.
FUE Hair Transplant Questions: How long until I can exercise?
You can resume exercise at about seven to ten days post-surgery, starting with mild activity before progressing to your normal routine. Exercising prematurely can cause unwanted swelling in the scalp.
FUE Hair Transplant Questions: How long until I see new growth?
Your new hair should begin to grow in around month four. However, it won’t fill in and mature to its full potential until 18 months post-operation.
FUE Hair Transplant Questions: How long until I can sunbathe?
The sun is an abrasive source of light. Excessive sunbathing should wait until about three weeks after the surgery. And even then, make sure to protect your scalp with sunscreen.
FUE Hair Transplant Questions: How long until I can wear a hat or beanie?
After the FUE hair transplant, the hair grafts are safely and securely rooted sometime between days seven and ten. After this, dislodging the follicle is unlikely. Waiting until day ten before sporting your hat is a good idea, just to be extra careful.
FUE Hair Transplant Questions: How long until I can swim?
To steer clear of infection, swimming falls under a three-week time-restraint; especially if swimming is done under sunlight, which could also be considered sunbathing.
Watch Dr U question and Answer video on FUE hair transplant timelines