FUE Hair Transplant Results

Best Hair Transplant Surgeon In The World| Patient Information
FUE Hair Transplant Results : Across the world of hair restoration surgery, the greatest outcomes to be seen are from FUE hair transplant in the hands of a talented and experienced surgeon. FUE—follicular unit extraction—is a micro-surgical hair restoration method that removes the donor grafts in single follicular units. This method has a big advantage over its greatest competitor, strip harvesting, in that it produces NO LINEAR SCAR. The minimal invasiveness of the FUE procedure also means:

  • Donor hair can be derived from outside the mid-occipital strip
  • No staples, stitches, or bandages. Wounds are so small they are self-healing
  • Quick recovery
  • All scabbing normally gone within 2 weeks
  • You are awake through the procedure, with local anesthesia
FUE hair transplant results do not leave a linear scar
comparison of FUE versus FUE

Some of the benefits of a Follicular Unit Extraction procedure include:

  • Maximum hairline design using hair from the nape of the neck
  • Scarring so small that it is cosmetically acceptable
  • New growth by four months
  • Maximum maturity, thickness, and health of new hair by 18 months
  • Freedom to style/cut the hair without the worry of revealing a linear scar

In addition to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, these procedures also improve:

  • Your confidence
  • Your social life and interpersonal relationships
  • Your professional life
  • Your overall quality of life
FUE hair transplant repair results|body hair grafts|patient photos
Advanced FUE with body hair grafts helps patient repair the results of past transplant procedures*


Follicular unit extraction is an advanced form of hair transplant. However, there are novice practitioners in every field. FUE is not immune to this vulnerability. When selecting a surgeon, bear in mind that whom you choose to perform your transplant will determine the success or failure of the outcome. Be advised, the following things to look for in a good surgeon:

  • Proper licenses and board certifications. There is currently no medical certification for performing hair transplant. Thus, a surgeon certified in dermatology, surgery, or cosmetic surgery is preferable.
  • EXPERIENCE. The need for plentiful and diverse experience in becoming a top surgeon is invaluable. FUE hair transplant results in the hands of an inexperienced surgeon may be disastrous.
FUE Hair Transplant |black patient|before & after
Specialized FUE methods used to produce successful results on African American patient*
FUE hairline transplant results|depleted temples|patient photos -before&after
FUE hairline restoration on young patient*
Advanced FUE hair transplant repair|body hair grafts
Hair transplant repair patient achieves natural looking coverage through Advanced FUE*

Photo and video documentation of prior patient results. Especially video. Photos scratch the surface in demonstrating a surgeon’s capability, but are easily manipulated to exhibit the most flattering outcome. Videos are more difficult to manipulate and should show the patient from various angles, gesturing and talking. Videos can also show the hair being touched/combed.

Knowledgeable staff, the proper equipment, and the use of handheld tools. Dependence on robotic devices is the sign of a novice practitioner—which could, again, be the demise of your FUE hair transplant results.

Dr. U's FUE hair transplant patient|during procedure
Dr. U’s patient undergoing an FUE operation
      • Artistic vision, which should be discussed during consultation. Hairline design is extremely important, as this is the part of the hair that frames the face. A surgeon should be able to construct an aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking hairline.
FUE hair transplant facial aesthetics|proportions of the face
The rule of thirds. An important part of creating a visually pleasing hairline.

FUE has developed more specialized branches. Among these include the use of body hair follicles. For example, follicular grafts taken from the facial area is now being used to treat patients who are severely bald.  More information on this topic is available here.

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