There is only so much that can be achieved for facial characteristics and body contours.
But hair is a more mutable feature that has a profound effect on a person’s overall attractiveness. Not only can it be cut or grown long, it can also be transplanted to restore the aesthetic proportions of an individual’s face.
Therefore, those who suffer from hair loss may want to read carefully.
FUE Is Not Just About More Hair. Quality Matters
Using Follicular Unit Extraction, which can be performed on men or women, hair can be transplanted by selecting a variety of different graft types from the scalp and even various surfaces of the body. This is important because some areas of the head have thinner hair than others. And the ability to choose different thicknesses of hair makes it possible to recreate highly realistic looking detail.
The very edge of the hairline tends to have fine hairs that gradually progress to thicker ones. Since this frame borders the face, it is one of the most noticeable areas of the head. Therefore attention to subtle details makes a big difference in the quality of the final results.
With the help of a highly skilled FUE practitioner, results can be made to look extremely undetectable in appearance. This would not only depend on the type of hairs extracted, but also how well the grafts are inserted to create eye pleasing contours and natural growth patterns throughout the head.
What is often a huge misconception is that hair transplant procedures create pluggy looking results, much like doll’s hair.
That used to be the case with the traditional method used to perform a hair transplant, but not anymore. FUE is designed to allow one to discretely undergo a hair transplant and simply start a fresh slate with a natural looking, youthful head of hair.
That is why the demand for the procedure is increasing
At DermHair clinic. patients schedule appointments months in advance with Dr. U, the leading practitioner of Advanced FUE.
His innovative UGraft tools help patients achieve ideal forms of coverage through the reliable extraction of body hair. Donor areas are left with little to no visible traces of scars due to the unique wound configurations that his technology creates.
FUE Is Not Just About More Hair. Choose the Right Hair Transplant Surgeon For the Best Results
So, just when you may have thought you can arrange a hair restoration procedure with the first name that appears on Google search, you may want to think again and choose carefully.
When you choose a stylist to get a haircut often people want to go to a well-known stylist who has the capability of producing gratifying results with no mistakes. Similar to selecting a stylist one should choose a hair transplant surgeon the same way. By choosing a well reputed and highly experienced surgeon like Dr. U you can feel confident knowing that you are likely to achieve the very results. And you can also rest assured knowing that your case will be in good hands.
Anyone suffering from hair loss should know that there is hope for improving their appearance. This will not happen through gimmicks or hyped product claims. At the moment, there are no miracle cures. But reliable results are certainly possible through a well executed hair transplant procedure.

Read more about FUE hair transplant here