Dermhair Clinic Does Not Use automated or robotic FUE Extraction machines ? A. Dermhair Clinic does not use automation but rather the use of hand…
Category: Other
Q. With so much information out there on hair loss and the different treatments available, how do I know what to believe?
A. The causes of hair loss are actually very complicated. And researchers are still trying to learn about all the different pathways which are involved. Therefore,…

Can I use donor hair transplant grafts from another person or relatives ?
Can I use donor hair transplant grafts from another person or relatives ? I get asked this question often. The rationale being if one individual…
Who is eligible to actually perform a hair restoration procedure?
There is no official form of certification for hair transplantation. So any doctor with a regular MD can perform these surgeries and exhibit as a…
Q. Is it true that caffeine can help hair grow back?
A. Is there a link between caffeine and hair restoration? The fact that caffeine is often used in the labeling of various hair loss treatment…
Q. Can I use Vitamins for hair growth?
A. It is possible for hair loss to result from nutritional deficiencies. If you suspect this to be the case, it would be best to…
Q. Does Dermhair Clinic have a branch in London?
I’m from the United Kingdom. And I am interested in a hair transplant procedure using body follicles, Does Dermhair Clinic have a branch in London?…
What is the reason for poor growth in women hair transplant ?
What is the reason for poor growth in women hair transplant ? Most of your hair should have emerged by the eight month point. However,…
Financing Programs at Dermhair Clinic – What are they? How do I get financed for My Hair Transplant
Financing Programs Dermhair Clinic? Our office only works with a financing company called MLEND Finance. Their website is Their loan application form is available…
Saving Hair Transplant Cost by reducing graft count; Good idea ?
Saving Hair Transplant Cost by reducing graft count Is Saving Hair Transplant Cost by reducing graft count a good idea? While it is possible to…