Vitamin D and Hair regrowth: New connection found.
Vitamin D and Hair regrowth link found
Researchers are looking closely into the biochemical pathways associated with male pattern baldness

Researchers are currently studying the chemical pathways of hair loss in efforts to develop treatments. One of these studies has found a connection between Vitamin D and Hair regrowth. There are numerous receptors for this vitamin on the hair follicles. Vitamin D is believed to activate these receptors, which spurs the process of hair growth. This is analogous to a lock and a key. Therefore, researchers are actively investigating the role of this nutrient on hair growth and possible restoration.

A study called, Vitamin D3 Analogs Stimulate Hair Growth in Nude Mice was published in a journal of medicine called,  Endocrinology Vitamin D is believed to affect the expression of DNA.

In finding the link between Vitamin D and hair regrowth, the researchers of this study blocked a molecule called MED. MED is a compound that will interfere with the Vitamin D receptor and prevent new hair growth. By preventing the compound from reaching the receptor, the mice grew hair.

Researchers discovered another molecule which could activate certain vitamin D receptors on the body. This compound is called LEF1. It can activate these receptors, even if the vitamin is not present.  Although the data of this study suggests that the receptors were stimulated by LEF1, they have yet to demonstrate the next step of hair growth.

Researchers are now able to turn stem cells into hair follicles. Studies were done on rats which compared two groups undergoing the final stages of this transformation. One group received the vitamin. The other did not. A greater number of the stem cells made the transition to becoming hair follicles, compared to the other group.  And many of the follicles from the vitamin D group actually grew hair.

When vitamin D was added during the final stages of this transformation, this seemed to facilitate the process, compared to the stem cells that did not receive the vitamin.

Vitamin D and Hair regrowth: Is Hair Restoration Possible Through Vitamin D Supplementation?

Findings like these seem to suggest that we need more vitamin D in our diets. While this is certainly the case for many people, a nutritional treatment program would need to be very specific to the physiological needs of the individual. Too much vitamin D, for example can lead to kidney problems.

Although a lot of attention is being placed on the potential of vitamin D for hair loss, the only reliable solution for reversing the signs of baldness is hair transplantation.

Although Dr. Umar specializes in this surgery,  he  has discussed the nutritional elements that contribute to the health of the hair follicles to help prevent or delay the process of loss.  Click here to watch his video on this topic.

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