Losing Hair To Vitamin and Mineral Overdosages
Losing Hair To Vitamin and Mineral Over dosages : Too much of anything is never good. This even includes vitamins, which we often as agents of positive health and well being.

Although many people will take vitamins and supplements to improve their chances of follicular growth, there is also the chance that high dosages can also contribute to shedding and  hair loss.

Losing Hair To Vitamin and Mineral Over dosages

Here is a summary of vitamins and minerals to be especially wary of.

(1) Selenium

Selenium is a trace mineral which helps the body to break down fat. And process Vitamin E. It is usually found in the soil as well as seafood. Deficiencies are extremely rare as the average requirements are easily met through regular food sources, including those that comprise average American diets.

The Huntington College of Medical Sciences reports that high dosages of selenium can cause individuals to lose hair. More serious consequences may include: weight loss, heart failure, shakiness and even death.

(2) Vitamin A

According to the American Academy of Dermatology and the University of Hawaii, overdoses of Vitamin A can also lead to hair loss.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin A is 5,000 IU (International Units) for adults as well as children over the age of four.

The Huntington College of Medical Sciences specifies 50,000 IU as the point where the risk of losing hair  becomes particularly high.

However, if this does occur, the shedding will most likely reverse when the intake of vitamin A is lowered to normal levels.

Losing Hair To Vitamin and Mineral Over dosages
(image: Flickr Creative Commons) While vitamin A has its benefits, high amounts can lead to hair loss

(3) Iodine

Iodine is a mineral which stimulates the thyroid gland. Excess amounts can lead to hyperthyroidism (i.e. overactive thyroid). It is typical for the body to stop producing hair to devote more resources in attempts to restore the normal state of balance.

As with vitamin A over dosages, normal hair growth will resume once the excess amounts of iodine are eliminated and intake is normalized.

Dosage Excesses and Deficiencies

Physicians are able to use blood and urine tests to detect possible overdoses of certain vitamins and minerals.

Doctors generally rely on blood cell counts, measurements of electrolyte levels, cholesterol and glucose. They also check the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

General nutritional needs can easily be met by eating a well balanced diet and taking multivitamins, along with omega 3 supplements to avoid unnecessary hair loss from nutrient deficiencies or over dosages.

For more information on nutrition to facilitate hair growth, click here

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