The Hair of Jon Cryer: hair loss concealers vs UGraft Advanced FUE hair transplant?

The Hair of Jon Cryer: hair loss concealers vs UGraft Advanced FUE hair transplant?

The actor Jon Cryer is known as Charlie Sheen’s costar in the hit sitcom, Two and a Half Men. He is also remembered for his teenage role alongside Molly Ringwald in the 80s movie, Pretty in Pink. But just because he is a celebrity does not make him immune to the genetic effects of male pattern baldness. In recent years, the hair of Jon Cryer has grasped the attention of the media regarding the way his hair seems to disappear and then reappear within short periods of time. In 2011, before and after pictures seemed to suggest that Cryer had a hair transplant. Other people wondered if he was relying on hair systems.

There are pictures of the actor which show that he has a well placed hairline. But the entire top of his head looks quite sparse. Although it is not confirmed, this may be the result of a previous hair restoration where the grafts did not last. Such cases may warrant a hair restoration with body follicles

The Hair of Jon Cryer: How Hair Loss Concealers Look Quite Convincing On Camera

The hair of Jon Cryer - Cosmetic Concealers
(image screenshot from You Tube) Jon Cryer explains that his full head of hair is actually created through concealer-type products by skilled make up artists.

During his interview with Conan O Brien, Cryer made it perfectly clear that what appeared to be a full head of hair was actually the result of clever cosmetics.

Conan brought up memories of what the actor used to look like as a teen by noting, “You had crazy hair in that movie [Pretty in Pink].” Cryer responded, “spectacular mane of unruly wonderfulness…and it’s gone now.”

He went on to explain that what appears to be a full head of hair is actually “an elaborate illusion…the work of several talented professionals.” Cryer then discussed the details of the process. He said that a thick layer of a paint like substance is applied to his head with rollers. And then the concealer powder is  sprinkled on.

On camera, the effect can look quite convincing. But in person, it probably does not.

The Hair of Jon Cryer: Why A Body Hair Transplantation (BHT) May Be An Option To Consider

The clever application of cosmetic concealers can be a time consuming process. Many people therefore prefer having real hair growth and forgetting that they ever struggled with baldness. After all, it is possible to shower and swim without a second thought about having to hide the effects of hair loss.

There are many examples of men who still have the remains of a hairline in front, coupled with obvious signs of thinning on top. Recent pictures of Wayne Rooney portray this. And there are  images of similar cases in our photos and video gallery. This is often the result of hair restoration outcomes that went awry. Either the grafts did not grow in properly, or they became damaged at some future point.

Before and after pictures of hair repair procedure using 14,000 grafts*

These cases often demonstrate how a BHT procedure can restore coverage  to the sparse areas. If the patient has enough hair on regions like the beard, chest, back and abdomen (which are thick in caliber), these can serve as donor grafts to cover the areas where hair is missing. After an initial hair transplant, there is usually a shortage of donor hairs on the head. But body follicles can compensate for this.

To learn more about hair restoration with grafts from the body, click here:

Celebrity Hair transplants

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