women’s view of Hair transplant: Wherefore Art Thou Bald, Romeo?
women’s view of Hair transplant: Wherefore Art Thou Bald, Romeo?: The biggest concern for most people who battle hair loss is that the opposite sex will no longer find them attractive. Men pursue all kinds of treatments to get their hair back, including creams, pills, ointments, laser therapy, and hair transplant. They may even use pharmaceuticals at a possible risk of their libido (Merck warns that Propecia may cause sexual dysfunction, though not proven). These insecurities are often exploited by marketers of hair loss solutions to get bald men to make purchasing decisions. So what are women’s views on hair transplant? Do women really care when a man is bald? Do they find balding men less attractive?

women's view of Hair transplant
Image courtesy gbyars.com: women’s view of Hair transplant: Where art thou my bald Romeo?

If Romeo had been bald, would Juliet have loved him anyway? While we would all like to believe that true love prevails, many blogs, forum discussions, and one online dating experiment reveal that this Shakespearean tale would have ended in tragedy for a different reason. Because hair transplant wasn’t around in the late 16th century.

Women’s view of hair transplant: What they say online

Most commentary made by women reports that they don’t care if a man has hair or not, as long as he has confidence. But this is a counter-intuitive stance, since hair loss is a major reason men lose confidence and self-esteem. Many men even become depressed and withdrawn due to their hair loss.

“Own that chrome dome,” says one comment. A few even state that men should not undergo hair transplant, but to wear their baldness proudly. However, if you’re not a movie star, it’s hard to maintain the perceived confidence and sex appeal of someone like Bruce Willis. Here and there appear comments from women who prefer a man with hair. There in lies the dilemma, Women’s view of hair transplant is tied to their perception o self confidence which in men is influenced by their hair situation.

Reactions to Bald Men in Online Dating

A London-based hair company conducted a small study to find out how women view bald men in online dating. The experiment was not scientific, but the results have been published online and are worth some consideration.

The company created two separate dating profiles for the same man. The two profiles were completely identical, containing the exact same interests, age, personal information, and so forth. The single discrepancy was that in one account, the profile picture revealed a slick-bald man, while in the other account he had a full head of hair Photoshopped into place. Both profiles were monitored and kept active for two months.

The results revealed that a good hair transplant could get you a lot more online dates. The profile picturing a man with hair got five times the positive response than the other, with a total of 108 prospects versus only 22. This small study shows that, at least in London, women view a man with hair as more desirable. indeed this buttresses Dr U observation of his own patients’ accounts and their experiences with online dating both before and after the hair transplant. Indeed the difference is clear, many of his hair transplant patients have gone on to get married and have a happy family soon after their hair transplant results have manifested. It has been life altering says one of them. Not only women, but the public in general is kinder and better behaved towards me now that I have hair vs when i did not. It is not fair, but that is the reality I faced. Says one of Dr U’s patients

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