Dermatology and the importance of Hair Cells In Your overall Health assessment
Dermatology and the importance of Hair Cells In Your overall Health assessment : Dermatologists and other doctors have always used hair as an indirect way to assess your health. Hair and nail cells grow relatively fast compared to other types of cells in your body, and thus it is a good indicator of the state of your health. If an individual is losing an abnormal amount of hair, or if these hair cells have stopped growing back, this issue could represent an underlying health problem and could reflect problems such as having iron deficiency or anemia. These health issues tend to increase stress in your body, and stress is a significant reason for hair loss. Having deficiency of essential minerals in your diet typically represents a disorder in someone’s eating habits, and the malnutrition will induce the body to try to save these important components such as protein. This is thus a major reason for why hair growth slows down or stops growing back at all. Protein is a building block for the cells in the body and especially the hair. When the body tries to conserve protein to be used for cells in the body that are more crucial for one’s survival, then the hair cells will inevitably be deprived of protein. In addition, without the proper amount of protein for the hair, the hair can also lose its strength and vibrancy.

Dermatology and the importance of Hair Cells In Your overall Health assessment

Therefore it is important to eat a healthy and nutritional diet if you do not want to experience hair loss and have healthy hair. When more hair is shed than being regenerated, the result is a look of thinning hair all over the head, which gives an unhealthy appearance. Hair loss can also make others assume that you have a problem with your thyroid. Therefore it is very important for you to have your hair loss problem be examined by a board certified dermatologist or hair restoration surgeon.

For more information about your hair loss issue and how a hair transplantation can give you a healthy look again, please contact Dr. Umar at the FineTouch Dermatology Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or please visit

Dermatology and the importance of Hair Cells In Your overall Health assessment
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A long term commitment to healthy eating habits can contribute to the prevention of hair loss.

Nutritional Supplements For Hair Growth

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