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How Dr. Umar Uses Body Hair to Perform Follicular Unit Extraction
How Dr. Umar Uses Body Hair to Perform Follicular Unit Extraction  : Dr. Umar, whom experienced a failed hair transplant in the past himself, understood the need for a hair transplant procedure that was both minimally invasive and ideal for men and women with different types of circumstances.  Follicular Unit Extraction – FUE  is a hair transplant method that involves small punches, .8mm to 1.3 mm in width, to individually extract each follicular unit from the donor hair area and transplant them to balding hair loss areas of the head, including the scalp, hairline, and crown. FUE was developed as a response to avoid linear scarring in the donor area that typically is always a result with strip surgery. Therefore, with the advent of Follicular Unit Extraction, the extraction of individual grafts with a micro punch leads to the absence of a linear scar on the back of the head, as is customary with traditional strip surgeries.

How Dr. Umar Uses Body Hair to Perform Follicular Unit Extraction

How Dr. Umar Uses Body Hair to Perform Follicular Unit Extraction
How Dr. Umar Uses Body Hair to Perform Follicular Unit Extraction

UGraft Advanced FUE is a minimally-invasive hair transplant treatment that requires no scalpels, stitches, or strip surgery. Scarring and downtime are minimized due to this innovation procedure. With UGraft advanced FUE, hairs are removed from the back and sides of the head individually, one at a time, leaving very tiny wounds, hardly noticeable, that heal to leave no cosmetically significant signs of scarring within a few days of the surgery, it being an out-patient procedure. The results that UGraft FUE produces will allow the patient to be able to style and cut their hair short if they wish, since no scar will be present. Dr. Umar pioneered this process years ago at its infancy while developing his tools, leading to an advanced form of FUE called UGraft, which allows for the use of body hair transplantation  (BHT). This new possibility of body hair transplantation ( BHT ) has lead to the option and ability of gaining more donor hair supply with body hair for many patients, from many parts of the body including the beard, chest, and arms. Those who have low donor hair supply or have had their donor hairs decimated from previous hair transplant strip surgeries now have a way of finally achieving the hair restoration they really sought. Dr. Sanusi Umar is the top BHT-FUE-UGraft hair doctor in the world, and has performed many successful hair transplant cases with his skills, know-how, expertise, and innovative methods. For more information about Dr. Umar and UGraft-FUE, please contact DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or please visit

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