Information On the Causes of Hair Loss
Information On the Causes of Hair Loss: According to American Health Journal, 40 million men and 20 million women in the United States suffer from the loss of hair, known as androgenic alopecia or pattern baldness.

The need for solutions has spawned the development of many products and various types of endorsements which claim to stop hair from falling out and encourage the growth of new hair.

Researching information on the causes of hair loss will help you make better choices in finding the right options and knowing what to reasonably expect.

Information On the Causes of Hair Loss: Genetics?

Androgenic alopecia occurs differently in men and women. Genetic info for the hair loss condition is located on the X chromosome. Men have the XY pair of chromosomes. And when they inherit the genetic coding for androgenic alopecia, it is fully expressed since the Y chromosome will not mask the condition.

Women are characterized by the XX pair. If they inherit androgenic alopecia, it will be expressed only if both X chromosomes carry the genetic coding.

The genes for pattern baldness will carry info to create protein receptors on the hair follicles that will contribute to hair loss by being sensitive to the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a metabolite of testosterone.  DHT causes the follicles to release their hair shafts and shrink.

Info. On Contributing Causes of Hair Loss

Sometimes other variables can speed up the process of losing hair in those who are genetically predisposed to androgenic alopecia. These factors include:

1)      Stress

2)      Sleep deprivation

3)      Dietary deficiencies

4)      Weak blood circulation

5)      Thyroid issues

6)      Drug usage (e.g. hair loss is a side effect of some antidepressants)

7)      Infection

8)      Hormone imbalance

9)      Pregnancy (in women)

There may be causes where an individual experiences hair loss and there is no info to support a family history of pattern baldness. It is likely that these other variables are the main reason they are losing hair. Knowing this makes it possible to actually prevent further loss and restore the hair.

Information On the Causes of Hair Loss in Women

In men, family history is a reliable indication of whether or not they will experience pattern baldness.  There is more of a direct relationship between genetic info and hair loss.

In women who experience female pattern baldness, there is likely to be other variables that contribute to the condition besides genetics. Usually this includes hormonal imbalances and environmental factors which exacerbate the interaction of their sensitive hair follicles with DHT.

Women will typically experience hair thinning on the top part of their scalp which may or may not spread to other regions


Information On the Causes of Hair Loss
(Flickr-Creative Commons) In women, there can be many hair loss causes at work. Addressing specific factors is the most effective way to treat the condition.


Final Note:

Educating yourself on hair loss info  is a valuable undertaking as you work to find the right treatment options.  It is nevertheless important to work with a doctor in pinpointing the causes that pertain to your situation.



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