Hair Transplant Education| Hair Loss Questions and Answers
UGraft Advanced FUE Head Hair Transplantation Method
Conventional head hair transplant methods called Follicular unit strip surgery involve the removal of strips of flesh from the back and sides of the head, which unfortunately results in linear scars that wrap around the back of the head from ear to ear. However, the process by which Dr. Umar performs Advanced FUE Head Hair Transplantation  is linear-scar-free and is called the UGRAFT which is a more advanced version of the procedure known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). With the UGraft FUE method, hairs are removed from the back and sides of the head one at a time, leaving very tiny punch wounds that heal to leave no cosmetically significant signs of scarring within a few days of the surgery. Therefore, the results that UGraft FUE produces will enable the patient to be able to sport a crew cut since no scar will be present, as shown in the picture. This video on the UGraft explains briefly how it works:


Why The UGraft Advanced FUE Head Hair Transplantation Method?

The UGraft Advanced FUE head hair transplantation Procedure is a state-of-the-art hair restoration procedure performed by Dr. U in Los Angeles, and results are superior to not only strip hair surgeries but also other conventional FUE hair transplant approaches on several fronts:

  • Rapid healing rates
  • Better overall yield and growth of transplanted hair follicles on the scalp, because of the technology which has been optimized on all fronts to improve graft survival
  • Efficient and consistency in the ability to bring beard and body hair donor pools into use with remarkable end results with landmark achievements in the field of body hair transplantation – BHT. With Dr U;s BHT by UGraft, the number of transplant-able hair is greatly increased. The newly transplanted hair follicles grow in a natural pattern from the first treatment. Typically, patients’ returns to a normal life immediately and many have no need to cover their head with a hat ever again.

Dr. U is the top BHT hair restoration surgeon in the world, and he has performed surgeries that produced results that other clinic or doctor have written off as impossible. For this reason, other highly notable hair transplantation surgeons have referred their cases of BHT to him in his clinic in Los Angeles. For more information, please contact the DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or do a Dr U free online consultation form

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Beard & Head Hair | Hybrid Hair Transplant Surgery. UGraft Advanced FUE Head Hair Transplantation
With Dr. U’s specialized UGraft Advanced FUE head hair transplant technology, many types of donor grafts can be safely harvested from different types of the body. This patient’s coverage was created with beard and head hair.*


Learn more about hair transplantation here:

Check out this interesting article on FUE hair restoration:

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