Androgenetic Alopecia – Genetic Balding and the Effects of DHT
Baldness is largely due to the interaction of certain hormones reacting over time with those hair follicles that are vulnerable to their effects. Both men and women produce hormones that are classified as male hormones. Hair follicles, as well as the sebaceous glands, contain high levels of an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase, which is an enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), via the blood. DHT is the source of most male pattern balding because the receptors in the scalp specifically react to DHT, which leads to the hair becoming thinner until it is completely bald. In addition, DHT causes the hair follicles to lose nutrition over time. For that reason, in some individuals hair follicles in certain areas of the head are genetically vulnerable to baldness. Over time, these genetically vulnerable hair respond to DHT. DHT acts by binding to special receptor sites on the cells of the hair follicles to cause the specific changes associated with balding. Over time, the action of DHT causes the hair follicles to shed faster by shortening the anagen phase. DHT successively diminishes or miniaturizes follicle size, thus causing hairs to grow back weaker. As anagen growth phase shortens, more hair is shed with the hair getting thinner and thinner until they become too fine to survive daily wear and tear.
The main factors that need to be present in order for hair loss to occur are:
1. The presence of androgens, or male hormones.
2. A genetic pre-disposition to balding.
3. Time for the DHT to degrade the vulnerable hair follicles.
The good news, there are also many ways to prevent hair loss and even reverse its effects. Dr. Umar is a pioneer in many innovative and effective hair restoration methods. For more information, please contact Dr. Umar at the DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or visit