Dr. Umar| Hair Transplant Surgeon
Scheduling Your Hair Restoration Consultation

Scheduling Your Hair Restoration Consultation

Scheduling Your Hair Restoration Consultation : A study on hair loss has shown that the average time between first noticing hair loss and seeking hair loss treatment is six years. This is understandable since hair loss is normally a gradual process. There is always the denial stage, then the stage where patients hope their hair loss will stop or, better yet, reverse itself and their hair will come back. However, when looking at the history of hair loss within your family and the hair loss patterns of parents and close relatives, the inevitable is difficult to face. The sooner hair restoration treatment is commenced, the better the outcome.Starting hair loss treatment early is beneficial for the patient for a variety of reasons. Doing something about your hair loss early means less years of concern over watching your hair disappear down the drain. Hair restored through hair transplantation stays in place permanently, and the sooner it is replaced the more years you have to enjoy it and the better the return on your investment.

Scheduling Your Hair Restoration Consultation

It is best to schedule a hair restoration consultation with an experienced hair surgeon to determine which treatment and procedure is best for you. The procedures used by Dr. Umar at the Derm Hair Clinic in Los Angeles are called UGraft advanced follicular unit extraction and body hair transplant (BHT). They are minimally invasive procedures that are performed under complete patient comfort.

The whole process is done under local anesthesia and most patients are awake typically watching a movie of their choice during the procedure. Patients are able to take breaks during the process. Lunch is served in the clinic patio with a calming view of the Pacific Ocean. Typically a mild sedative is taken orally at the start of the procedure. Pain is minimal both during and after the process. The procedure is done with the patient lying or sitting on our custom made, highly versatile operating table. Many have been taken aback by the degree of comfort in this operating table. After the procedure, most patients would not require even ordinary over the counter pain killers.

If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Umar and the procedures, please contact the Derm Hair Clinic in Los Angeles. A hair restoration consultation can be done for free online via email, or through an in-office visit at a small fee. For an in-office appointment, please call the office at (310)318-1500 during working hours for an available appointment.

Scheduling Your Hair Restoration Consultation
Dr. U is an internationally recognized leader in body hair transplantation. He has developed highly advanced FUE tools and methods to successfully address many types of hair restoration challenges.
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