Female Hair Loss Patterns
Female Hair Loss Patterns : The most common form of hair loss in women is female-pattern hair loss also called androgenic alopecia, which usually has a strong genetic component that can be inherited from either the mother or father. This condition is also referred to as androgenetic alopecia, and this type of hair loss can start as early as the late teens, and the earlier the hair loss starts, the more severe it tends to be in the future.

ludwig scale for female hair loss patterns
ludwig scale for female hair loss pattern


female hair loss patterns

Female pattern hair loss may begin as early as puberty, and in these cases if there are signs of hormone imbalance, such as excess facial or body hair, a hormone evaluation should be done. Hormonal changes are a common cause of female hair loss. Many women do not realize that hair loss can occur after pregnancy or following discontinuation of birth control pills. It may also follow any sudden physical or psychological stress to the body.

While pattern hair loss affects both men and women, it is very different in women. For example, female-pattern hair loss is not characterized by a receding hairline or bald spot on top of the scalp as is common in men. Men lose hair on the temple, the crown, the bald spot in the back, while female pattern balding goes around the whole top of the head and diffuses. In women, the frontal hairline is usually maintained, but there is visible thinning over the crown. Another important difference is that while balding in men is almost always the result a genetic predisposition coupled with age; in women, it can happen at any time. In addition, underlying medical conditions can also be the cause of hair loss — even when true androgenic alopecia is the diagnosis.

Unexplained and sudden hair loss can take a significant psychological toll on many women and their overall quality of life. The most important way to treat hair loss in women is to get the correct diagnosis — if there is an underlying physical problem it has to be corrected first.  Dr. Umar, Los Angeles dermatologist and hair surgeon, advises women to see a doctor who specializes in female pattern balding and make certain to be checked for possible underlying medical conditions via blood tests, or if needed, a scalp biopsy.

The DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles specializes in treatments for hair loss in women. Dr. Umar is board certified by the American Board of Dermatology, and is qualified to manage female patients with complaints of hair loss. Dr. Umar often receives referral of female patients from other physicians including other hair transplant doctors who are not certified dermatologists. Dr. Umar may require performing some tests to determine the cause of your hair loss and the best treatment options available. Please call the clinic at (310)318-1500, or do a free online hair consultation.

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