One patient came to Dr. Umar after losing hope in trying to repair his 3 strip surgeries that were performed poorly years ago in Beverly Hills. At the time he was told that a single surgery would give him good coverage and that the resulting scar would be hardly noticeable, even by a hairstylist. However, the patient reveals that after the grafts from his initial surgery grew in, it was apparent that he would need more procedures in order to get a decent density of hair. His desire to have a second and then a third procedure was also spurred by the reality that strong, robust hairs from the back of the head look quite harsh and does not provide a natural and dense looking hairline due to its texture.
Finally, after three procedures over a few years, the patient decided that he had tried his best at trying to restore his hair, and had already achieved the best result he could hope for and went about getting on with his life, trying to put it all behind him, even though wishing the entire time that he could go back and reverse his initial decision to have hair replacement surgery. As much as he had been distressed over his rapidly thinning hairline, in hindsight he came to feel it would have been much better to just have shaved it and get used to a new look, instead of wasting so much time and money and feeling the shame of having invested so much of himself in such lackluster hair transplant results.
However little by little, he still felt the urge to try and repair the results. He started reading hair loss forums and told had hope that hair follicle cloning might soon be a reality, and thus he would be free to get a repair procedure done without having to go through another strip surgery, which only offered to him negative connotations, a long healing process, and less than stellar results.
Then by chance, he heard about Dr. Umar, and the patient states that “something told me that this could be my chance.” He liked the idea that he could talk directly to Dr. Umar at the consultation, and not be worried and burdened by the slick sales approach he had received before where there was a designated consultant to do the sales pitch for strip surgery. He realized that Dr. Umar had developed a technique that made waiting for cloning or anything else simply unnecessary, and it was his final chance for hair restoration.
Global Hair Coverage with Body Hair Transplantation
After two years since his hair transplant procedures with Dr. Umar, the patient states, “It’s a wonderful, liberating feeling to have come to this place in time after years of wishing I could turn back the clock and reverse my decision to try to get my hair back. I can finally release that regret and the heaviness and shame that came with it, and focus on the decision I made to be proactive and address the consequences of my earlier surgeries directly. I’m very thankful for coming across Dr. Umar and for overcoming the hesitancy and disillusionment that my prior procedures had left me with. Every day has a new sense of possibilities for me now, even when I don’t consciously think about such things. My hair looks great now, natural and healthy. Dr. Umar’s skill and attention to detail have served me well and I can look people in the eye now and smile from a truly open place inside me, one that is untainted by defensiveness and fear of judgement. This is a true gift, and one I will appreciate always.”
For more information about Dr. Umar and his life-changing hair transplant techniques, please call DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or visithttps://www.dermhairclinic.com/free-online-consultation-hair-restoration-los-angeles/