This is a very common dilemma faced by many individuals who are hoping to reverse their crown hair loss through a hair restoration surgery using hairs from the middle of the back of the head alone . They are often told crown hair loss is not a priority by many traditional hair transplant specialists. They are told that the crown should be sacrificed and left thing since the limited donor hair available must be devoted to fixing frontal hair loss and hairline restoration for the crown However, body hair to head procedures can offer another option for those who need a larger number of follicles to meet their objectives. There are thousands of these tiny hair structures throughout the body . And if they grow hair of the appropriate thickness, they can be used as grafts to restore depleted areas on the crown . Because of this expansion of the donor pool size, the crown is also given priority attention.
Dr U uses routines mixtures of body hair to restore the crown as depicted in the few examples below:
The 10,000 grafts harvested from the scalp and beard provided ample resources for restoring the crown.* Sparseness in the patient’s crown was reversed through the patient’s FUE hair transplant procedure.*
First ever crown hair restoration using beard hair