What causes poor hair growth after a hair restoration procedure?
Although it is expected that the newly transplanted follicles will produce hair and end the patient’s concerns over their baldness and thinning, this is not always the case. There are many instances where patients experience poor growth after hair restoration. This is evident through many of the examples in our video and photo galleries where the patients presented to DR U with evidence of poor growth from their previous surgeries. Factors which cause poor growth yield include:

    • the selection of follicles which have already started to miniaturize
    • damage and trauma inflicted by surgical instruments (e.g. pulling, tucking, and inadvertent severance by the punch edge)
    • desiccation due to air drying
    • higher than ideal storage temperatures
    • being outside the body for too long
    • failure of new blood vessels to form around the hair follicles

What Causes Poor Growth After Hair Restoration


Once follicles die, they do not regenerate. Therefore, patients who continue to show signs of baldness and thinning at over 10 months after their hair transplant will need additional surgery to fill in these areas.

Because head donor supply is finite and not more than 7000 grafts lifetime supply for most patients, it is not uncommon for the patient wh has suffered series of poor yielding hair transplant surgeries would present with a completely depleted head donor. In these instances, Dr U had resorted to the use of beard and body hair by UGraft to rescue the patients.

Patients who have experienced poor growth after a previous transplant may want to consider a UGraft hair transplant repair:

poor growth after hair restoration may occur. Hair Restoration| Body Hair Transplant| Articles| Dr. U
Dr. U regularly writes articles on hair restoration as well as specialized topics on body hair transplant surgery*


Body hair transplant for patients with inadequate head donor in the annals of plasic surgery Journal


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