This patient had undergone a previous hair transplant using “strip harvesting.” The result was two terrible strip scars. Using body hair transplantation with FUE technology,…
Category: Patient Photos

FUE Repair Surgery For African American Patient
FUE Repair Surgery For African American Patient : This African American bald patient had a previous “strip harvesting” transplant and . One procedure left him…

Strip Scar Minimized With Follicular Unit Extraction
This patient presented to Dr. Umar having had a previous hair transplant surgery that did NOT use follicular unit extraction for transplantation. The result was…

FUE Hair Transplant and Body Hair Restores Severe Baldness NW 7 In 8,000 Grafts
This patient had nearly complete crown hair loss. Using fue hair transplant , Dr. Umar was able to treat severe baldness and achieve never-before-seen results.…

FUE Hair Restoration Using 6100 grafts, Repair Botched Hair Transplant
FUE Hair Restoration Using 6100 grafts, Repair Botched Hair Transplant : Dr. Umar was able to achieve FUE hair restoration on this patient who’d previously…

UGraft FUE Hair Transplant Using 5000 grafts for Baldness and Strip Surgery Scar Repair
UGraft FUE Hair Transplant Using 5000 grafts: This patient had a strip surgery scar resulting from a botched transplant previously done. Dr. Umar performed an…

Receding Hairline Restored Using 2500 Follicular Unit Extraction Grafts
This patient suffered from a receding hairline and tried to hide his male pattern baldness with a comb-over. Dr. Umar was able to restore his…
Hair Loss Studies dealing with Hair Loss in Men
Hair Loss Studies dealing with Hair Loss in Men: Several studies on hair loss have shown that the general time between initially noticing hair loss…

Botched Hair Surgery Repair Through Head and Body Hair
Botched Hair Surgery Repair Through Head and Body Hair : This patient's severe baldness was exacerbated by bad transplants and several failed restoration surgeries done…

Asian FUE Hair Transplant Using 3000 Grafts Using UGraft
Asian FUE Hair Transplant Using 3000 Grafts : Though the technical procedure of Follicular Unit Extraction hair restoration is the same for all, there are…