Q. How Can I Be A Good Candidate For Hair Restoration?

Am I A Good Candidate For Hair restoration?

To be a good candidate for hair restoration, one requires a sufficient quantity of donor grafts which typically come from mid parts of the back and sides of the head. These follicles must be healthy without having been affected by miniaturization. Also, it would be important for the rate of hair loss to have reached a stable point.  Otherwise, bald areas are likely to develop past the point of the recipient area.


This patient would not be a good candidate for hair restoration by conventional standards, but with the UGraft advanced FUE, cases like tis are good candidate and routinely perfromed
This patient would not be a good candidate for hair restoration by conventional standards, but with the UGraft advanced FUE, cases like tis are good candidate and routinely performed*

The harvested grafts in a hair restoration surgery would of course be applied towards creating improved coverage for the individual. Most hair clinics around the world rely on head hair follicles to serve as donors. Therefore, they only accept individuals who are in their early to moderate stages of male pattern baldness. At Dr U however, using the UGraft system, it is also possible to use hair follicles from the body for individuals who require more grafts. However, these hairs would need to be characterized by desirable thickness and length.  Common donor sources for UGraft body hair transplant include: the beard regions of the face and neck, the chest, the back, the shoulders, the legs and arms.

To be a good candidate for hair restoration, it is also important that the individual does not have any abnormal scarring or blood clotting tendencies as well. Some individuals, like those of African descent have uniquely shaped hair follicles. This increases the rate of graft transection. Here at Dermhair Clinic, we recommend that patients pass an initial extraction test with results less than 10%

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