Rapunzel! Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair Grafts?
Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair : Rapunzel had thick, lustrous, golden locks, flowing from the window of a tower down to her beloved prince. But what if Rapunzel had experienced female hair loss, like so many women do? Lifeless hairs raining from her head, diffuse thinning across the top of her scalp—it would have made her rendezvous with the prince much less romantic. While Rapunzel was not depicted as such, nearly 30 million women in the United States—damsels, distressed, or otherwise—are struggling with this cosmetic misfortune. In fact, fifty percent of all “princesses” will suffer female hair loss by the age of forty. Sure, all of Rapunzel’s gorgeous hair was in tact at her supple young storybook age, but what about life after the “happily ever after?” For women of the real world, life goes on after the Brothers Grimm have told their tale, and even after Disney rolls the credits.

Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair
(image- Creative Commons) Female hair loss can be addressed by wearing wigs and hair pieces. But hair transplant procedures for the right candidates can create more natural looking outcomes.

Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair: What Can Be Done About Female Hair Loss?

This is where those hair grafts come in. There are many sources of female hair loss, including pregnancy, stress, anemia, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, and drug use, to name a few. However, those causes are mostly temporary and the hair will grow back with the right treatment.

Hair grafts are often used to correct permanent causes of female hair loss. The most common one is pattern baldness; a condition wherein the hormone DHT causes susceptible hair to permanently fall out. Other common ailments that lead to permanent baldness include traction alopecia and lupus. Had Rapunzel suffered any of these three, she could have tried a daunting daily application of Rogaine, or had permanent hair grafts implanted into the balding area.

What Are Hair Grafts?

Hair grafts are created during hair transplant, and are derived from the donor areas of the patient’s scalp (usually the back and/or sides of the head). Methods like follicular unit extraction (FUE) are an ideal permanent solution for correcting female hair loss, and leave little scarring. Today, hair grafts look completely natural and have the ability to restore a thinning scalp to the lustrous flowing locks of youth. That way, when the prince comes to your window, you don’t have to be embarrassed to let down your hair.

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