Is the concept of saw palmetto hair growth legitimate?
Is the concept of saw palmetto hair growth legitimate? Saw palmetto is often mentioned as an herbal remedy for treating or preventing hair loss. It is used in other countries to help address benign, enlarged prostate conditions, much like the brand name drug, Proscar, which is a form of finasteride. Saw palmetto basically blocks the alpha-reductase enzyme, preventing testosterone from converting into DHT (dehydrotestosterone). While this has been effective for the prostate, there have not been any large scale research studies which support its effectiveness for hair restoration purposes.
It is important to realize that the ability for any type of drug to actually reverse the effects of hair loss depends on level of miniaturization the follicles have undergone. In other words, follicles which have already been affected by miniaturization for a long time have very little chance of being revived by treatment compounds.
Although it is an herb, anyone who is considering taking saw palmetto should speak to a physician to determine dosages and overall safety measures.
(image- Creative Commons) Saw Palmetto works on lowering DHT levels much like synthetic hair restoration drugs