A. Strip surgery scar revision is frequently sought by patients who had undergone follicular unit strip surgery in the past. scars are visible largely because of the collagen tissue around the closed edges of the wound. Hair does not naturally grow through this tissue. Furthermore, the scar tissue may be of a different color (e.g. pink or white) compared to the rest of the scalp. Addressing these issues can help make the linear scar less visible. Inserting hair into the scar tissue can help fill in the empty line created by the thickened collagen on the surface of the skin. Hair transplant repair by strip surgery scar repair can be done by grafting it with hair grafts extracted by UGraft FUE.
Strip Surgery Scar Revision
Head hair can be used if these quantities are sufficient. But if not, follicles from the body can be harvested. There are also cases where the scar is particularly noticeable due to the color of the tissue. This is quite prominent in patients who have dark colored hair. In addition to inserting follicles extracted by UGrafrt, a final touch up measure may include the use of scalp micropigmentation (a process similar to tattooing but designed specifically for the scalp) to address any discrepancies in tissue color.