Is Using Sunscreens after FUE Hair Transplant Important? Is a hat enough?
Using sunscreens after FUE hair transplant procedure or a strip surgery should be started after two weeks following the hair transplant. procedure. Prior to this point, the scalp is still in the process of healing. Once the wounds have closed, at around fourteen days, it would be relatively safe to start using sunscreen lotion of at least an SPF 30.

Why Using Sunscreens after FUE Hair Transplant is Important

The surface of the scalp is still very sensitive after the hair restoration operation. Therefore, it will be more vulnerable to the effects of sunlight. UV rays from the sun can have a detrimental impact on the skin by causing free radical molecules to form as electrons are dislodged from oxygen molecules. These compounds then act as scavengers as they try to regain a balanced state by stealing electrons from cells and tissue. In this process, it is possible for not only the surface of the scalp to be affected, but also the hair follicles as well.

Sunscreen acts as a protective barrier to prevent further complications after a hair restoration procedure.  Using sunscreens after fue hair transplant should be done on a daily basis, it would also be best to cover the head with some type of hat for stronger protection.

What Happens If You Forget To Use Sunscreen

Patients with fair skin may face the risk of getting sunburned from forgetting to use Sunscreens after FUE hair transplant . The transferred follicles, however become permanently embedded below the skin’s surface after about 3 days or so. Although sunlight can have negative consequences on the skin, and even deeper layers where the follicles reside, the effects of a sunburn will most likely not be completely disastrous. Long term and ongoing sun exposure, however, can gradually undermine the health and well being of the follicles. In most cases, the damage from the sun’s rays from a single sunburn occurrence will not be extreme and immediate. However, it may be important to have individual cases inspected by a physician, just to be safe.

In terms of post op care after an FUE hair transplant or strip surgery, the effects of the sun after even just one month following surgery can feel quite unpleasant. And it is recommended that patients continue to use effective sun protection (i.e. lotion and hat) for the initial few months to prevent long term redness and discoloration.

Aloe vera can offer soothing relief from sunburn on the scalp. But again, it would be ideal to have a doctor examine the end results for additional recommendations.

Continued Sunscreens after FUE hair transplant

Grafts from a hair restoration surgery start to show growth at about four months. Continued improvements become more evident between ten to twelve months up to a year an a half following the operation.

Twin studies have shown that prolonged exposure to sunlight can hasten the rate of hair shedding in those with a genetic predisposition to male pattern baldness. Yet undergoing a hair restoration surgery does not make one immune from this phenomena.

Nowadays,  sun protective  products are being developed specifically for use on the head and could be adopted as use as suncreens after fue hair transplant surgery. They are formulated to avoid a greasy outcome and to protect the hair shafts as well as the scalp from UV rays.

Using Sunscreens after FUE Hair Transplant - Post Op Care and Wearing Sunscreen
FUE hair transplant. Dr. U applied Follicular Unit Extraction to this patient’s repair procedure to fix the results of a Juri flap surgery. Grafts were inserted to create a more natural looking hairline*

Sunscreen To Help With Hair Restoration Efforts

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