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The Gradual Process of Hair Loss and Baldness Fixed by FUE
The Gradual Process of Hair Loss and Baldness Fixed by FUE : Hair loss is a gradual process that becomes more and more prominent overtime for many people. It is normal to experience hair loss everyday, and the typical number of hairs lost is about 100 per day. You do not usually notice this because losing 100 hairs per day is insignificant when compared to the 100,000 hairs that we have on our scalp. Each individual strand of hair grows at a rate of approximately half an inch per month, and can live for almost 5 years until shedding and starting a new cycle. Usually during the 5th year, the hair will fall off of the scalp and a new one will generate within 6 months. Baldness is not caused by excessive hair loss, but it is caused by the inability of the body to produce more hair on the head. The density of hair decreases for both men and women as they age, but mostly men will begin to start balding before they reach the age of 30. The reason for most of these men to bald is due to heredity, but heredity affects women too, and approximately 80- million men and women living in American experience problems with hair loss.

The Gradual Process of Hair Loss and Baldness Fixed by FUE

The typical characteristics of male pattern baldness begin with the receding of the hairline which eventually leads to bald spots on the top of the head. Male pattern baldness also tend to affect men who possess more testosterone in the body because testosterone that converts to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) will trigger the interaction with hair follicles that are susceptibly vulnerable to the affects of DHT, causing hair to fall out. Women can also experience hair loss due to heredity and age, but they will experience it more especially after menopause and stress. The pattern of female hair loss is different from that of men because women usually have hair loss occurring throughout their scalp while the front remains decently covered and intact.

Dermhair Clinic specializes in advanced FUE hair transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction) method of hair restoration to cure baldness and hair loss in men and women. Dr. Umar uses a scalpel-free, minimally invasive procedure that is one, if not, the best in the world. Dr. Umar also prescribes medications to treat hair loss for candidates who have not yet reached the point of full hair restoration and transplantation. For more information about hair restoration by FUE and pattern hair loss, please contact DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or complete a free online consultation form

The Gradual Process of Hair Loss and Baldness Fixed by FUE - Crown restored
The Gradual Process of Hair Loss and Baldness Fixed by FUE – Crown restored*

Before and after Follicular Unit Extraction which created a natural looking hair restoration in the crown region.

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