UGraft FUE For Your Hair Restoration and Body Hair Transplant
UGraft FUE is a state-of-the-art hair restoration procedure and Dermhair Clinic results are superior, as patients frequently send praise to Dr. Umar at the continuing growth of hair up to a year after the surgery. The UGraft Method is a minimally invasive treatment that requires no scalpels, strip surgery or stitches of any kind. The healing process is natural, and Dr. Umar and Dermhair Clinic are easily available to handle any questions or answers anytime. With UGraft, scarring and hair transplant downtime are minimized, aimed at getting you back to your normal daily routine as fast as possible. Best of all, because the procedure allows for the use of body hair ( body hair transplant, or BHT), the number of transplantable hair is greatly increased, even for those patients with severe hair loss. With FUE – UGraft, the newly transplanted hair follicles grow in a natural pattern from the first treatment.
Dr. U is the top BHT hair restoration surgeon in the world, and he has performed surgeries that produced results that other clinic or doctor have written off as impossible. He is documented for repairing the most severe hair transplant disaster in the world. For this reason, other highly notable hair transplantation surgeons have referred their cases of BHT to him in his clinic in Los Angeles. For more information, please contact the DermHair Clinic in Los Angeles at (310)318-1500, or complete our free hair transplant online consultation form