Recently in July actor Jude Law performed in The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night for a charity event to benefit autism. Although his receding hairline and temples have been the subject of a lot of attention in recent years, his hair loss seemed to have progressed even further to about a Norwood 3 level.
According to Daily Mail, “he’s been embracing the balding look.” And the site also posted photos showing a significant contrast in his appearance at present, compared to his image during his younger years.
Some feel that he should get a hair transplant before he loses the rest of his hair. Although it is advisable to take action during the earlier stages of pattern baldness, it is also important to be aware that surgery is now possible even when most of the hair has fallen out.
Hair Restoration With Body Follicles for Late Stage baldness
Conventional transplant procedures use hair from the head. Grafts are extracted using strip surgery or Follicular Unit Extraction. Slits are created into the regions affected by hair loss. And the follicles are inserted into these tiny incisions. If the procedure relies on methods that only extract hair from the head, then patients within the Norwood 6-7 category would not be able to benefit.
However the use of hair follicles from other regions on the body changes this paradigm. In fact, abundant quantities of follicles can be harvested by relying on areas such as the beard region, chest, abdomen, back and even the arms and legs. However, patients would need to have enough hair in these regions. And the thickness of these hairs must be appropriate for use on the head.
Here is an example of a Derm Hair Clinic patient who was able to reverse his Late stage baldness with a total of 12,000 grafts. Most of these were extracted from the beard areas of his face.
To watch this patient’s video and learn more about his procedure, click here.