Will Vitamin D help me grow produce more hair?
Relying on a single vitamin or mineral to produce more hair is not likely to be very effective. Vitamins simply act on certain processes in the body. This in turn helps to optimize the ability of the follicles to produce new hair.

However, check with a doctor to determine the cause of your hair loss. The hair loss you are experiencing may be genetic or due to medical conditions or environmental factors that you may not be completely aware of. Once specific factors are determined, vitamins and supplements can be used in an ancillary capacity to help with hair growth. A physician can recommend appropriate and safe dosages for you to take.

Will Vitamin D help me grow produce more hair?

It is best, though,  to consume a well rounded, nutrient rich diet as part of your overall lifestyle.

Much of the attention on Vitamin D and hair growth has to do with current research. This compound is able to fit into certain protein receptors on the hair follicle much like a lock and a key.  And it even facilitates the ability of stem cells to convert to hair follicles.

However, the development of actual treatments is likely to be in the form of topical applications rather than through nutrition which can lead to over doses and toxic effects.

Vitamin D. Produce more hair. Vitamin D. Vitamins for hair loss. Grow Hair|Vitamins & Nutrition
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Vitamins & nutrition can help set the stage for hair health and growth. But they are not hair loss treatments in and of themselves

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